首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Current Progress in Mathematics and Sciences >An analysis of hydrocarbon degrading capabilities from three bacterial isolates from mangrove habitats in Muara Angke Jakarta

An analysis of hydrocarbon degrading capabilities from three bacterial isolates from mangrove habitats in Muara Angke Jakarta

机译:Muara Angke Jakarta中三种细菌分离株的三种细菌分离株的烃降解能力分析



Bacteria have been widely used as an agent for bioremediation of hydrocarbon contamination. Exploration of mangrove habitats for potential bacterial isolates have also been carried out. This study aims to explore the potential of three bacterial isolates from mangrove habitats in Jakarta for hydrocarbon degrading capabilities. Screening for potential bacterial isolates was carried out according to Ilyina (2003). Bacterial growth was measured using the Total Plate Count method and selected isolates were then analyzed for hydrocarbon degrading capabilities using Gas Chromatography. From 12 (twelve) soil samples, 11 (eleven) isolates were further analyzed and 3 (three) isolates: HL 8_5, SM 2_2 and SM 1_7 displayed good growth in Bushnell Haas medium containing 1% diesel oil. Analysis of remaining hydrocarbon with Gas Chromatography showed a decrease in diesel oil concentration, which was indicated by a decrease in concentration of several alkane hydrocarbons contained in diesel oil with a C15-C24 chain length. The percentage of hydrocarbon decrease varies among the three strains. Strain HL 8_5 displayed the ability to reduce Tricosane and Tetracosane at 4,94% and 9,43% respectively. Strain SM 1_7 displayed the ability to reduce eicosane, a C20 alkane hydrocarbon at 19,14% and heptadecane, a C17 alkane hydrocarbon at 20,17% while strain SM 2_2 displayed a decrease of heptadecane 20,17%. The results indicate that each strain has a different type of enzyme for utilizing and degrading hydrocarbons. Further work is recommended for the strain SM 1_7 as phenotypic characterization suggests the strain belong in the genus Pseudomonas, which is known to have hydrocarbon degrading capabilities.
机译:细菌已被广泛用作烃污染生物修复的药剂。还进行了对潜在细菌分离株的红树林栖息地的探索。本研究旨在探讨三种细菌分离株的武流栖息地在雅加达栖息地进行碳氢化合物降解能力。根据Ilyina(2003)进行筛选潜在的细菌分离株。使用总板数法测量细菌生长,然后使用气相色谱法分析选定的分离物用于烃基降解能力。进一步分析了12(十二)土壤样品,11(11)分离物,3(三)分离株:HL 8_5,SM 2_2和SM 1_7在含有1%柴油培养基中显示出良好的生长。用气相色谱剩余烃的分析表明柴油浓度降低,其柴油中含有的几种烷烃烃的浓度降低表示,具有C15-C24链长。烃减少的百分比在三种菌株之间变化。菌株HL 8_5展示了分别以4,94%和9,43%的4,94%和9,43%减少三胞苷和四丝糖的能力。菌株SM 1_7展示了减少eicosane,C20烷烃烃在19,14%和庚二烷下的能力,C17烷烃烃在20,17%,而菌株SM 2_2显示出庚二烯的降低20,17%。结果表明,每个菌株具有不同类型的酶,用于利用和降解烃。由于表型表征表明该菌株属于假霉菌的菌株,建议进行进一步的工作,这已知已知具有碳氢化合物降解能力。



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