首页> 外文会议>Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership >Development of Teaching Materials Based On Open-Ended Approach with Autograph Assistance to Improve Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability of Junior High School

Development of Teaching Materials Based On Open-Ended Approach with Autograph Assistance to Improve Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability of Junior High School




Open ended approach is a learning approach that presents a problem that has more than one answer or settlement method. Open ended approach encourages students to develop creative ideas and mathematical mindset by remembering previous mathematical concepts, so that with the open-ended approach, students are expected to have a much better mathematical creative thinking ability. The purpose of this research is to analyze the improvement of students creative thinking ability by using learning materials developed through autograph assisted open-ended approach. This research is a development research using Thiagarajan 41) model with define stage, design, develop, an dessiminate. The subject of this research is Junior High School Swasta Imelda Medan. The teaching materials that will be developed in this study are learning tools that include Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), teacher book (BPG), Student book (BS) and, student worksheet (LAS) and creative thinking ability test. From results of trial I and II by using learning materials developed through autograph assisted open-ended approach effectively used in learning mathematics so that there is an increase in creative thinking ability of students.
机译:开放结束的方法是一种学习方法,呈现出具有多个答案或结算方法的问题。开放式的方法鼓励学生通过记住以前的数学概念来发展创意和数学心态,因此随着开放式的方法,预计学生将拥有更好的数学创造性思维能力。本研究的目的是通过使用通过签名协助的开放式方法开发的学习材料来分析学生创造性思维能力的提高。本研究是一种使用Thiagarajan 41)模型的开发研究,具有定义阶段,设计,开发,令人讨厌。本研究的主题是初中Swasta Imelda Medan。本研究将开发的教学材料是学习工具,包括学习实施计划(RPP),教师书(BPG),学生书(BS)以及学生工作表(LAS)和创造性思维能力测试。从试验结果和II的结果通过使用签名的辅助开放式方法,有效地用于学习数学的学习材料,因此学生的创造性思维能力有所增加。



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