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The rehabilitation of historic buildings-case study Al-Thakana Al-Hamidieh in Syria

机译:历史建筑的康复 - 叙利亚的案例研究Al-Thakana Al-Hamidieh



There are many historic buildings that belong to different eras in Syria. Some of them dated back to thousands years ago. These buildings are different from each other, in the architecture, structure and building materials in accordance with the historical era they were built in. So, making a decision about treatment and/or rehabilitation, we should deal with each case separately. It is nearly impossible to make a general rehabilitation rule for all styles of historic buildings. This paper shows some case studies of historic buildings in Syria, the geotechnical and structural problems which cause some architectural flaws and it also goes further in a specific building in Damascus called Al-Thakana Al-Hamidieh or as it was known before Al-Keshleh, which means an accommodation for soldiers in Turkish language. This building was built in 1897. Its foundations and structural elements were made by big rocks which have been brought to the location from Damascus Citadel. The time gaps left an influence on the structure and architectural situation of the building. This building also suffered from a huge fire in 2004 which required rehabilitation. This paper points that supporting of foundations should not affect the style of this part of building, even though it is underground structure; and figures out the possibility of soil improvement by using the same materials which was used in the era of construction.
机译:有许多历史建筑属于叙利亚的不同时代。其中一些人回到数千年前。这些建筑物彼此不同,在架构,结构和建筑材料中,根据他们内置的历史时代。因此,决定治疗和/或康复,我们应该单独处理每种情况。几乎不可能为所有历史建筑物制定一般的康复规则。本文展示了叙利亚历史建筑的一些案例研究,导致一些建筑缺陷的岩土和结构性问题,它在大马士革的特定建筑中也进一步进一步进一步叫做Al-Thakana al-Hamidieh或者在Al-Keshleh之前已知,这为土耳其语言的士兵致敬。该建筑于1897年建于1897年。其基础和结构元素由大岩石制成,这些大岩石已成为大马士革城堡的位置。时间差距对建筑物的结构和建筑情况的影响留下了影响。这座建筑也在2004年遭受了巨大的火灾,这需要康复。本文认为,支持基金会不应影响建筑物的这一部分的风格,即使它是地下结构;并通过使用在施工时代使用的相同材料来计算土壤改善的可能性。



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