首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Mechatronics, Computer and Education Informationization >Teaching Reform Analysis of Computer Composition Principle Course Based on OBE

Teaching Reform Analysis of Computer Composition Principle Course Based on OBE




OBE education is an outcomes-based education model, and it is the development trend of computer composition principle course teaching. This article introduces the OBE education concept into the computer composition principle course, and discusses the OBE-based computer composition principle teaching reform method. This article mainly discusses the method of optimizing the course teaching content based on the learning result, establishing a diversified and standardized evaluation mode method, and using multiple methods such as network teaching to collect student process data. OBE's education concept, as an innovation to the traditional education model, adapts to the development of the era. Its application in the computer composition principle course will help improve students' mastery of the computer composition principle course, and will lay a good foundation for subsequent professional study and computer professional graduate entrance examination.



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