
Teacher Leadership Behaviors on Sport Class




Quality learning is the important thing to the school advance. In fact, learning activities cannot be separated from the behavior of teacher leadership. To give more explanation about the kind of teacher leadership behaviors, the author conducted a study that aimed to explore the teacher leadership behaviours based on appear phenomena. This paper presents one of the main results of the research related to teacher leadership behaviors, which are divided into teacher leadership within and beyond classroom. Teacher leadership behaviours in class room consisted of: the use of professional expertise; designing curriculum; pair and partner collaboration through team teaching and role across collaboration. Teacher leadership behavior beyond the class room consisted of: teacher professional development activities, role-alike team collaboration, sharing professional responsibility with the school principal, collaboration with the student's family, establishing partnerships, and establishing the success culture to the students. This study conducted in sport class, so that gave the new nuance to teacher leadership. On sport class, the students have to join a sport training program besides participating in learning activities as well as regular classes. This situation encourages the emergence of various phenomena in the sport class, which encourage the emergence of teacher leadership behavior. In other words, this paper presents the contextual research results, which offer several alternatives of teacher leadership behavior, especially in schools that have the same character as that in this research.



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