首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Humanities and Social Science Research >A Study on the Relationship between the Self-Efficacy and Occupational Choices of Tourism Department Students - the Internship Satisfaction as Mediating Variable

A Study on the Relationship between the Self-Efficacy and Occupational Choices of Tourism Department Students - the Internship Satisfaction as Mediating Variable

机译:旅游业学生自我效力与职业选择关系研究 - 介质变量实习满意度



While self-efficacy, occupational choices and internship satisfaction have been extensively investigated, the relationship between the above three research fields is relatively unexplored. This paper studies the three constructs relationship and mediating of internship satisfaction situation. Using the tourism department students as an example, this paper will argue that the regression analysis can provide a framework for self-efficacy has a positive impact on occupational choices, as well as giving self-efficacy has a positive impact on internship satisfaction, and a method of analyzing internship satisfaction has a positive impact on occupational choices, and find internship satisfaction has a mediating effect on self-efficacy and occupational choices. The results indicate that that all hypotheses are set up. These findings contribute to the organizational management and theoretical construction of the hospitality industry.



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