
Approaches to Retrieve Verses of the Holy Quran Based on Full Meaning




Most information retrieval researchers and specialists in NLP have focused on employing the concepts of the Holy Quran in their field of work as a step towards combining modern technology and the understanding of Quran itself. Retrieving information from the Holy Quran in response to a particular query has been considered to be a very significant field in research and analysis. Many researchers have found special search options to retrieve verses from the Holy Quran such as exact matching of query, query's stem matching, and query's synonyms matching based on certain thesauruses. In this study, the researchers adopt special search options for retrieving verses from the Holy Quran based on single-word queries according to the full meaning of the Quran's verses in addition to the meaning of the search query; in other words, the researchers in this study add the exact matching of search-query as a default search option in order to retrieve the verses that match the search query in a precise form. After that, the researchers also add query's synonyms matching as a search option to give the user the ability to add any synonym that can enhance the retrieval process. The synonyms selection is not based on a thesaurus but it just an additional search option that can aid in enhancing the Information retrieval process. In order to find the Quran verses that are related to the search query without including the word or its synonyms exactly, the researchers add new special search options based on the full meaning of the verses. These new search options are based on special indices for each verse in the Holy Quran about the topic of the verse and the explanation of its full meaning. The researchers select two books of the Holy Quran explanation that gives the full meaning of each verse; "Tafseer Klmat Al-Quran Tafseer w Bayan" ( ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ) and "Tafseer Al- Jalalayn" ( .(????? ???????? )
机译:NLP的大多数信息检索研究人员和专家都集中于在他们的工作领域采用圣古兰的概念,作为结合现代技术的一步,以及对古兰经本身的理解。从古兰经响应特定查询检索来自古兰经的信息被认为是研究和分析中的一个非常重要的领域。许多研究人员发现了特殊的搜索选项来检索来自古兰经的古兰经,例如查询,查询的词干匹配和查询基于某些词库的同义词匹配的精确匹配。在这项研究中,研究人员采用特别的搜索选项,用于根据搜索查询的含义,根据古兰经的含义,根据Quran的含义的全文查询来检索来自古兰经的古兰经的经文;换句话说,本研究中的研究人员将搜索查询的完全匹配添加为默认搜索选项,以便检索以精确的形式匹配搜索查询的经文。之后,研究人员还将查询的同义词添加为搜索选项,以使用户能够添加可以增强检索过程的任何同义词的功能。同义词选择不是基于同义词库,但它只是一个可以帮助增强信息检索过程的额外搜索选项。为了找到与搜索查询相关的古兰经经文,而不包括单词或其同义词完全,研究人员基于经文的完整含义添加新的特殊搜索选项。这些新的搜索选项基于对古兰经的每个诗句的特殊指标,了解了诗歌的主题,并解释了其全部含义。研究人员选择了两本圣古兰语的书籍,给出了每节经文的全部含义; “经注Klmat铝古兰经经注瓦特巴彦”(????? ????? ?????? ????? ?????)和 “经注AL- Jalalayn”(。(? ??? ?????????



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