首页> 外文会议>International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem >Effects of nocturnal railway noise on annoyance: Dose-response relationships from a field study in comparison to nocturnal aircraft noise annoyance

Effects of nocturnal railway noise on annoyance: Dose-response relationships from a field study in comparison to nocturnal aircraft noise annoyance

机译:夜间铁路噪声对烦恼的影响:与夜间飞机噪声烦扰的田间研究中的剂量 - 反应关系



Traffic noise exposure during the night may disturb sleep and recreation inducing possible annoyance reactions of affected residents. Significant dose-response relationships between nocturnal aircraft noise and annoyance were confirmed, for instance, in a laboratory and a field study conducted by the DLR Institute of Aerospace Medicine (Quehl & Basner 2006). A common finding of studies on annoyance comparing different traffic modes is that annoyance ratings increase in the order railway least, road, and aircraft most (Miedema & Oudshoorn 2001; Miedema & Vos 1998). Based on these dose-response relationships a railway bonus was adopted in several European countries. The low impact of railway noise, however, was challenged by current investigations leading to the recommendation that the "rail bonus issue" has to be studied further (Gjestland 2008). In a recent laboratory study the effects of different traffic noise sources were compared with respect to sleep disturbance and annoyance (Basner et al. 2008). Although sleep disturbance increased in the order air, road, and rail traffic, it was found that annoyance reactions due to railway and road noise were equal and strongest due to aircraft noise. Since the validity of laboratory findings has to be proved in field studies the current study investigated the effects of nocturnal railway noise on sleep and annoyance of residents living in the vicinity of railway tracks in Germany. The present paper is focusing on annoyance and aims to compare the findings to the results of our field study on aircraft noise annoyance (Quehl & Basner 2006) providing a ranking of the two traffic modes with regard to night time noise annoyance.
机译:在夜间交通噪音暴露可能扰乱睡眠,娱乐诱导受影响的居民可能烦扰反应。夜间飞机噪音和烦恼之间显著的剂量 - 反应关系被证实,例如,在实验室和航空航天医学的DLR研究所(Quehl年和2006年Basner)进行了实地考察。的比较不同的交通方式上的烦恼研究一个共同的发现是烦恼收视率的顺序铁路至少,公路和飞机大部分增加(Miedema年和2001年奥茨胡恩; Miedema和1998年VOS)。基于这些剂量 - 反应关系的铁路奖金在几个欧洲国家所采纳。铁路噪音的影响小,然而,由目前的调查导致了“铁路送股”必须进一步研究的建议(2008 Gjestland)的挑战。在最近的一项实验研究不同的交通噪声源的影响是相对于睡眠障碍和烦恼(Basner等,2008)相比较。虽然睡眠障碍的顺序航空,公路和铁路交通增加,人们发现,烦恼的反应,由于铁路和公路噪音是平等的,实力最强的,由于飞机噪音。由于实验室检查结果的有效性已在现场研究证明目前的研究调查了夜间铁路噪声对睡眠和生活在德国的铁路轨道附近居民的烦恼影响。本文件的重点是烦恼和旨在比较调查结果对我们实地考察的飞机噪音干扰的结果(Quehl&Basner 2006年)提供的排名这两个话务模式对于夜间噪音干扰。



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