首页> 外文会议>American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition >Assessing 'Wicked Sustainability Problem'-Literacy in Engineering Education

Assessing 'Wicked Sustainability Problem'-Literacy in Engineering Education

机译:评估“邪恶的可持续性问题” - 在工程教育中



Environmental and sustainability problems are not purely technical problems. Many of the most pressing issues, such as climate change, resource scarcity, and pollution, require holistic approaches that go beyond technical systems analysis and optimization. Such problems have been called wicked sustainability problems (WSPs) because they are highly complex, contested, and lack definite solutions. Engineering education has the potential to play an important role in preparing students to contribute to deal with problems such as WSPs. To be able to contribute in this way, students need to develop an ability to holistically and integratively understand and address WSPs while considering the normative context of sustainable development (here called WSP literacy). However, common practice in engineering education more commonly prepares students to address well-structured and tame rather than wicked problems. One reason may be that working together to develop complex competencies such as WSP literacy is challenging for students as well as educators. Wiek, Withycombe, and Redman suggest that formulating and operationalizing intended learning outcomes (ILOs) for complex competencies can facilitate this difficult process and thus improve engineering education practice. In this paper, we provide a preliminary matrix of 22 concrete ILOs for WSP literacy, as well as two different approaches to assessing (some of) them in engineering education. We expect that engineering educators will find these ILOs and assessment strategies valuable for adopting a constructive alignment approach for WSP literacy in their teaching.
机译:环境和可持续性问题并非纯粹的技术问题。许多最紧迫的问题,如气候变化,资源稀缺和污染,需要超越技术系统分析和优化的整体方法。这些问题被称为邪恶的可持续性问题(WSP),因为它们非常复杂,有争议,缺乏明确的解决方案。工程教育有可能在准备学生做出贡献以应对WSP等问题方面发挥重要作用。为了能够以这种方式做出贡献,学生需要在考虑可持续发展的规范性范围内(这里称为WSP识字)的规范性范围内,学生需要培养能够全面和完全理解和地址WSP的能力。然而,工程教育的常见做法更常用,准备学生解决良好的结构和驯服而不是邪恶的问题。一个原因可能是开发复杂的识字等复杂能力的一个原因是对学生以及教育工作者的挑战。 Wiek,Wiekycombe和Redman建议为复杂的能力制定和运作预期的学习结果(iLOS)可以促进这种难以改善工程教育实践。在本文中,我们为WSP识字率提供了22个混凝土ILOS的初步矩阵,以及评估(一些)在工程教育中的两种不同方法。我们预计工程教育者将发现这些ILOS和评估策略有助于采用其教学中的WSP识字性的建设性对准方法。



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