首页> 外文会议>nternational Conference of the Information Research Management Association >Graduates' Opinions of CSULA's CIS Curriculum Survey of CSULA's CIS Graduates: 1997-2001

Graduates' Opinions of CSULA's CIS Curriculum Survey of CSULA's CIS Graduates: 1997-2001

机译:CSULA的CSULA CIS毕业生CIS课程调查的毕业生:1997-2001



In the continuously changing field of Information Systems, CIS baccalaureate programs and curricula must be evaluated and modified on a regular basis. To gather current data on this topic, a survey was done of the CIS Degree Majors who graduated fromCalifornia State University Los Angeles between 1997 and 2001. The purposes of the survey were to gather data regarding graduates': 1. Opinions of how well the CSULA CIS curriculum prepared them for the workplace in regards to obtaining their first job after graduation and their current job; 2. Opinions of the Writing and Verbal Presentation requirements of the CSULA CiS curriculum; 3. Salary ranges of their first and current jobs after graduation. The survey data was then analyzed and conclusions weredrawn. Note that, for length restriction reasons, the Literature Review, References and the Questionnaire used in the survey are not included. All are available from the author.
机译:在不断变化的信息系统领域中,必须定期评估和修改和修改CIS Baccalaureate计划和课程。要收集关于本课题的当前数据,一项调查是由1997年至2001年间洛杉矶毕业的CIS学位专业进行了调查。调查目的是收集关于毕业生的数据:1。CSULA如何看待CIS课程为工作场所准备了他们在毕业后获得他们的第一份工作及其当前的工作; 2. CSULA CIS课程的写作和口头呈现要求的意见; 3.毕业后首次和当前就业的薪酬范围。然后分析了调查数据并结论Weedrawn。请注意,对于长度限制原因,不包括调查中使用的文献综述,参考文献和调查问卷。所有这些都可以从作者获得。



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