首页> 外文会议>American Chemical Society National Meeting >C-H Bond Activation by Iridium and Rhodium Complexes: Catalytic Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange and C-C Bond-Forming Reactions

C-H Bond Activation by Iridium and Rhodium Complexes: Catalytic Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange and C-C Bond-Forming Reactions

机译:铱和铑配合物的C-H键活化:催化氢 - 氘交换和C-C键形成反应



The metal-mediated activation of carbon-hydrogen bonds has the potential of leading to important fundamental insights, as well as to advances in large-scale industrial and synthetic organic chemical processes. Our initial finding of C-H oxidative addition reactions in low-valent iridium (I) complexes was followed by a more recent discovery and exploration of C-H activation processes at Ir (III) centers. This paper reviews recent studies of the Ir (III) reaction that include work directed toward elucidation of its reaction mechanism and the development of catalytic hydrogen/deuterium exchange reactions. The article also discusses collaborative studies of rhodium (I)-catalyzed reactions that provide a method for adding complexity to a range of carbo- and heterocyclic arene compounds with structures analogous to those found in physiologically active organic compounds.
机译:金属介导的碳 - 氢键的活化具有导致重要的基本洞察力的潜力,以及大规模工业和合成有机化学过程的进步。我们在低价铱(I)配合物中的C-H氧化添加反应的初步发现是在IR(III)中心的更新发现和探索C-H激活过程。本文综述最近对IR(III)反应的研究包括指导阐明其反应机制和催化氢/氘交换反应的开发的作品。本文还讨论了铑(I)的协作研究 - 催化反应,其提供一种用于将复杂性与一系列碳和杂环芳烃化合物添加到类似于生理活性有机化合物中的结构的方法。



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