
Teacher's Education for Character Education




The issue of character education is a topic of education in Indonesia today. Sharing the problems faced by this nation will increasingly encourage the spirit and efforts of the government to prioritize character education as a foundation for the nation's education development. In assessment of erosion schools have a very important position in dealing with this condition. As the spearhead of the application of teachers as educators becomes a challenge for teachers. For share to educate students. If previously the teacher only educated students and used it to transfer knowledge then to have a student's preset, then what about the teacher. can get that skills not only raise students in the scientific field but to create in order to become people with good character or morals. Today the profession of a human teacher so completely as stated in the objectives of national education. In 136 states from local agencies. Funds are significant in investing in those using the state budget for education. In addition, the teacher professional program (PPG) has made its steps to conduct teachers in various universities and institutions from no Child Left Behind which have been expanded to create professional programs besides that. Teachers as well as historical candidates are also preparing workshops for implementation and character education. Various universities have also included character education courses to prepare and create reliable teachers who not only deliver improved student achievement but also to create students of good character and morals.



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