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Sampling and Certification A certain world? Or An Uncertain world? (PPT)

机译:抽样和认证某个世界?还是一个不确定的世界? (PPT)



Crude Oil per day is around 90 mio barrels . 1 Average crude oil tank is about 350 - 500 Kbs so about 225 tanks a day are filled from fields each day 2 This oil moves to gathering points and is then moved by pipe or ship so that on a given day about another 400 shore tanks are being filled or emptied 3 Ships on average have 12 tanks each so say 120 ships x 12 x 2 = 2800 4 Hence 625 tanks X 4 samples ( UML & dead bottom ) = 2500 5 Plus ships samples 2800 = 5300 crude samples just in iogistics chain per day.
机译:每天原油约为90桶。 1平均原油罐约为350 - 500 kBs,因此每天填充约225辆坦克,每天都填充该油,然后将该油移动到收集点,然后通过管道或船移动,以便在给定的一天,在给定的一天,关于另外400个岸坦克填充或清空3艘船只平均每次有12个坦克,所以请说120船x 12 x 2 = 2800 4因此625坦克x 4样品(Uml&dead底部)= 2500 5加船样品2800 = 5300在Iogistics链中的原油样本每天。



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