
Recycling an Urban Space: Hasan Abad Square in Tehran

机译:回收城市空间:德黑兰的Hasan Abad Square



Historical texture is the cultural heritage of every nation and restoring and rehabilitation of it is a national and public commitment. Unfortunately there aren't many activities about preservation and restoration of historical texture in Iran. Squares are one of the most important urban spaces but mostly in Iran squares were considered only as traffic nodes, and there is less attention to other function for squares. Rebuilding of Hasan Abad square is one of the limited numbers of restoration of an urban space in Iran. In restoration of this square authorities tried to pay attention to the presence of pedestrianization in this space as well as traffic function. This article is about the history of this square and its restoration and the present situation of Hasan Abad square in Tehran as well as some explanation about the aesthetic criteria of an urban space. As a conclusion I will try to prove that with regarding both aesthetic criteria and fractal geometry can create an exciting and gorgeuse urban space.



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