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Comparative Bioavailability of Two Oral Formulations of Omeprazole




Omeprazole is a very widely used proton-pump inhibitor. Currently, there are several branches available in Mexico, however, limited information about their bioavailabilities is available. The purpose of this study was to compare the bioavailability of two of them, Losec~R and Omelcid~R. Twenty-eight healthy volunteers were enrolled in this study that was carried out following the recommendations of the Declaration of Helsinki. Subjects read the protocol that was approved by the institutional research and ethics committees and gave written consent for participation. After an overnight fast, volunteers received an oral dose of 20 mg omeprazole (formulation A or B) and blood samples were obtained at selected times during 8 hours. Plasma was obtained by centrifugation and stored frozen until analyzed by a validated HPLC method. Pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained by non-compartmental analysis and values ((+-) s.e.m.) obtained were as follows: C_max 354.28(+-)51.57 and 308.95(+-)44.42 ng/ml, t_max 2.26(+-)0.22 and 2.63(+-)0.24 h and AUC_8h 701.01(+-)109.34 and 774.13(+-)132.84 ngh/ml for formulations A and B respectively. Log transformed C_max and AUC_8h were compared by analysis of variance and 90% confidence limits of the parameters ratios (B/A) were 72.73-106.34% and 90.32-124.96%, for C_max and AUC_8h respectively. As confidence intervals did not exceed the 70-142.9% limits for C_max and 80-125% for AUC_8h, it is concluded that the formulations tested are bioequivalent.
机译:Omeprazole是一种非常广泛的质子泵抑制剂。目前,墨西哥有几个分支机构可用,但有关其生物利用方向的有限信息可用。本研究的目的是比较其中两个的生物利用度,Losec〜R和Omelcid〜R。在本研究中注册了二十八名健康志愿者,这是在赫尔辛基宣言的建议下进行的。主题宣读了由机构研究和道德委员会批准的议定书,并提供了参与的书面同意。在快速过夜后,志愿者接受了20mg Omeprazole的口服剂量(配方A或B),并且在8小时内在选定时间获得血液样品。通过离心并储存冷冻直至通过经过验证的HPLC方法进行分析来获得等离子体。通过非分区分析获得药代动力学参数,得到的值((+ - )SEM)如下:C_max 354.28(+ - )51.57和308.95(+ - )44.42ng / ml,T_max 2.26(+ - )0.22和2.63 (+ - )0.24小时和AUC_8H 701.01(+ - )109.34和774.13(+ - )132.84分别用于制剂A和B.通过对变化的差异分析,参数比率(B / A)的90%置信度分别为C_MAX和AUC_8H分别的差异分析和90%的置信限制。分别为72.73-106.34%和90.32-124.96%。随着AUC_8H的C_MAX的70-142.9%的置信区间没有超过70-142.9%的限制,得出结论是测试的配方是生物等效。



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