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This paper highlights the historical importance of traditional Arab sea navigation. It emphasizes four different issues related to the traditional Arab sea navigation, drawing upon Arabic primary sources and other relevant literature. First, it investigates the reasons that made Arabs develop and employ various navigation techniques to guide their sea journeys. Some of these reasons mentioned in the paper due to the Arab peoples, who had originated as desert nomads in Arabia, became after the rise of Islam in the 7th century A.D. into merchants and pilgrims who travelled a network of land and sea routes between Eastern and Western cultures. As well as the ideas that were carried by Arab travelers along those transportation routes were advances in navigation techniques and tools of travel itself. An example of such techniques is Astronomical and Magnetic Position Finding technique which points out the enduring importance of the celestial bodies like sun and stars, and how these bodies were used by navigators for thousands of years to identify direction of travel and to orient themselves. Therefore, when no landmarks or other aids to navigation are visible, navigators can use the position of the sun or stars in the sky to fix their ship's position. The paper also presents an overview of the development of simple devices like the Qiyas (measurement of length). The early Arab navigators used the arm, hand and fingers to measure the positions of the sun and stars relative to the horizon; the Kamal which was another basic device and simple instrument used by the early Arab navigators and sailors of the Indian and eastern seas to find the altitude of the polar and circumpolar stars; and the sophisticated astrolabe which enabled navigators to set courses to unfamiliar places. The astrolabe was also used to determine latitude by measuring the angle between the horizon and the North Star. Another point that has been raised in this article is the landmarks and environmental cues such as the monsoon winds and others which us ed to be considered as a method to navigate their way. Early Arab mariners studied the directions of the monsoon and other winds to orient themselves at sea. Navigation of sailing ships in any sea depended on the seasonal winds and the direction of the winds. However, they usually sailed known routes to familiar ports during seasons dictated by the prevailing monsoon winds. as the early Arab sailors as well used many environmental cues and landmarks at sea, out of sight of land they derived clues about their location by observing types of birds, water snakes and fish, in addition to the depth, direction, and speed of current, tides and color of the water, and also the type of the sea bottom and its odor. By these they could tell if their location was near the coast or far away from it. Over the years ship captains had an enormous store of knowledge that was passed down through the generations both orally and in writing. Therefore, they augmented their memories by collecting written sailing directions (in books called Rahmani), although the use of poetry indicates the continuing oral tradition. The Rahmani texts mentioned environmental cues, routes, and also included sketches of landmarks to assist in piloting. Although written mentions of maps indicate that Arabs used sea charts, the lack of surviving copies leaves their nature in question. Second, this paper reveals other factors in route selection such as the different sizes and types of boat, since different ship designs can play a role in sea navigation, wh ether by seaworthiness influencing the route the ship can take (coastal or open sea) or size determining the quantity of the cargo it can carry. Also, the type of sail and rigging and its design on the ship that was an important factor in sea navigation. In addition, travel season which included the importance of the monsoon winds in dividing navigation trips and sea routes played significant factor in sea navi
机译:本文突出了传统阿拉伯海洋航行的历史重要性。它强调了与传统阿拉伯海洋航行有关的不同问题,吸引阿拉伯主要来源和其他相关文献。首先,它调查了阿拉伯人发展和采用各种导航技术来引导他们的海程旅行的原因。本文提到的这些原因是由于阿拉伯人民的阿拉伯人,他在阿拉伯的沙漠游牧民族中崛起,在公元7世纪伊斯兰教的崛起,进入商人和朝圣者,他们在东部和地区之间旅行西方文化。除阿拉伯游客沿着这些运输路线携带的思想,是在航行本身的导航技术和工具的进步。这种技术的一个例子是天文和磁性位置发现技术,指出了天体像太阳和星星一样的持久重要性,以及导航员如何使用这些尸体数千年来确定旅行的方向并定位自己。因此,当没有可见的地标或其他辅助程序是可见的,导航员可以使用天空中的太阳或星星的位置来解决船舶的位置。本文还概述了像QIYAS这样的简单设备的发展(长度的测量)。早期的阿拉伯导航员使用手臂,手和手指来测量太阳和星星相对于地平线的位置; Kamal是印度和东海的早期阿拉伯导航员和水手使用的另一种基本装置和简单的仪器,以找到极地和圆形恒星的高度;和复杂的Astrolabe,使导航员能够将课程设置为陌生的地方。 Astrolabe还用于通过测量地平线和北星之间的角度来确定纬度。在本文中提出的另一个点是季风风等地标和环境暗示,如季风风和我们编辑被视为导航方式的方法。阿拉伯早期的水手研究了季风和其他风的方向,在海上定位自己。在任何海上航行的航线依赖于季节性风和风的方向。然而,他们通常在普遍的季风风中所说的季节期间向熟悉的港口航行。作为早期的阿拉伯水手,在海上使用了许多环境线索和地标,除了观察鸟类,水蛇和鱼类的类型,他们的地区源于他们的位置,还可以通过观察到的鸟类,水蛇和鱼类。水的潮汐和颜色,以及海底的类型及其气味。通过这些,他们可以判断他们的位置是否在海岸附近或远离它。多年来,船长有一个巨大的知识库,这些知识既通过原代和书面形式通过代。因此,他们通过收集书面航行方向(在称为Rahmani的书籍中)增强了他们的记忆,尽管使用诗歌表明了持续的口头传统。 Rahmani文本提到了环境线索,路线,以及还包括地标的草图,以协助驾驶。虽然书面的地图提到表明阿拉伯人使用了海图,但缺乏幸存的副本留下了他们的本性。其次,本文揭示了路线选择中的其他因素,如不同的尺寸和类型的船只,因为不同的船舶设计可以发挥海上航行的作用,从海上影响船舶可以采取(沿海或开阔)或尺寸确定它可以携带的货物的数量。此外,帆和索具的类型及其在船上的设计是海洋航行的重要因素。此外,旅行季节包括季风风的重要性,在分割导航旅行和海线航线中发挥了大海



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