首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Management Innovation >Explorations of Improvisation in Innovation As An Organizational Learning Mode

Explorations of Improvisation in Innovation As An Organizational Learning Mode




As an organizational learning mode,improvisation has some unique advantages in creating novel and unanticipateed activities which is an important source of innovation. In the process of innovation the excellence of improvisation rest with the creation of novel actitivies and settlement of the emergent problem. And the shortage lies in the knowledge accumulation for future innovation because of the weak relation between income and outcome. For the sake of its own characteristics,improvisation could exert its role significantly in some environmental conditions and weakly in some others. In order to use improvisation efficiently and correctly,corporations should change the duration and frequency of improvisation applied under different circumstances. The paper will discuss how improvisation in innovation evolved as conditions varied from two dimensions which include environmental uncertainty and organizational age. A model will be followed to conclude the distinction between different conditions.



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