




Tutorial Database of digital images is an unique project which enables students and doctors in training to access large volumes of image data of real patients archived under fictitious identity. There 16 major medical specialties cooperating and forming archive of interesting and illustrative images. Image data of real patients from the Hospital PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) are complemented with DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine) Structured Report, anonymized and send to the Tutorial PACS. Tutorial PACS contains 800 files of digital images. There are 150 files completed by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Most of the images are ultrasound scans and digital recordings from the endoscopic surgeries. Every medical specialty has a guarantee responsible for the selection of images and complete description. Database is designated for students, uses interesting images from the hospital PACS and integrates various medical fields. Hospitals using the shared regional PACS can contribute to the database. Anonymous, fictitious identity protects the patient's personal data and enables us to use the images for the educational purposes. Digital anonymous database and digital format teaching are an excellent alternative to the traditional way of teaching. Database combines rare, interesting findings and supports and improves medical education.
机译:数字图像的教程数据库是一个独特的项目,使学生和医生能够在训练中访问大量的真实患者的图像数据,以虚拟身份存档。有16个主要医学专业合作和形成有趣和说明性图像的档案。来自医院PACS(图片归档和通信系统)的真正患者的图像数据与DICOM(Mickice Imaging和Commercial)结构化报告相辅相成,匿名并发送到教程PAC。教程PAC包含800个数字图像的文件。妇产科有150个文件完成。大多数图像都是超声波扫描和来自内窥镜手术的数字录像。每个医学专业都有责任选择图像和完整描述的保障。数据库为学生指定,使用医院PACS的有趣图像并整合各种医疗领域。使用共享区域PACS的医院可以为数据库做出贡献。匿名的,虚构的身份保护患者的个人数据并使我们能够使用图像以进行教育目的。数字匿名数据库和数字格式教学是传统教学方式的绝佳替代品。数据库结合了罕见,有趣的调查结果和支持并提高了医学教育。



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