首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Informatics in Secondary Schools, Evolution and Perspectives >Incorporation of Informatics in Austrian Education: The Project 'Computer-Education-Society' in the School Year 1984/85

Incorporation of Informatics in Austrian Education: The Project 'Computer-Education-Society' in the School Year 1984/85




Effects of information technology on economy, society and education were discussed already at the beginning of the 1980's. The German computer scientist Klaus Haefner even predicted an educational crisis caused by the penetration of information technology into our lives. When the personal computer became the "machine of the year 1985", politicians and educators in the industrialized countries proclaimed "computer literacy" as an essential part of education and demanded the integration of new technologies into the curriculum. This paper describes the comprehensive instruction project "Computer-Education-Society" of the school year 1984/85, launched by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Arts and Sports on the background of the author's personal involvement as a permanent speaker at the central teacher seminars in Vienna and as a historical dedication to the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the subject Informatics at the compulsory secondary general school (AHS).
机译:1980年代初已经讨论了信息技术对经济,社会和教育的影响。德国电脑科学家Klaus Haefner甚至预测了通过信息技术渗透到我们生活中的教育危机。当个人计算机成为“1985年的机器”时,工业化国家的政客和教育工作者宣布“计算机识字”作为教育的重要组成部分,并要求新技术融入课程。本文介绍了1984/85学年的综合指导项目“计算机 - 教育 - 社会”,由奥地利联邦教育部,艺术和体育部推出的作者个人参与背景作为中央教师的永久演讲者维也纳研讨会,作为历史奉献义务在义务学中学普通学校(AHS)实施主题信息学致敬。



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