首页> 外文会议>Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs >Effect of Converting Lysine in Barley and Canola Meal into Homoarginine on Nutrient Composition and Ileal Amino Acid Digestibilities in Growing Pigs

Effect of Converting Lysine in Barley and Canola Meal into Homoarginine on Nutrient Composition and Ileal Amino Acid Digestibilities in Growing Pigs




Effects of guanidinating lysine in barley (B) and canola meal (CM) on nutrient composition and ileal amino acid (AA) digestibility were investigated. Guanidination did not change nutrient composition of B (P > 0.10) but it increased levels of crude protein (CP) (38.4 vs. 49.0%), crude fibre (10.2 vs. 16.0%), acid detergent fibre (30.0 vs. 43.4%) and neutral detergent fibre (29.8 vs. 49.4%) in CM [P < 0.05). Guanidination did not affect (P > 0.05) apparent ileal digestibility of dry matter (DM), CP and AA in four 33.6 kg barrows fitted with a simple T-cannula at the terminal ileum and fed a barley-canola meal diet. True ileal lysine, threonine and isoleucine digestibilities were 88.1%, 97.1% and 89.0%, respectively.
机译:研究了染色赖氨酸在大麦(B)和CanoLA膳食(CM)对营养成分和髂骨氨基酸(AA)消化率的影响。胍没有改变B的营养成分(P> 0.10),但它增加了粗蛋白(CP)的水平(38.4与49.0%),粗纤维(10.2 vs.16.0%),酸性洗涤剂纤维(30.0与43.4%) )和中性洗涤剂纤维(29.8 vs.49.4%),CM [P <0.05)。胍不影响(P> 0.05)干物质(DM),CP和AA中的表观髂骨消化率,四个33.6千克的尸体配有ILEUM末端的简单T-CANTULA,并喂养大麦 - 油菜膳食饮食。真正的髂液,苏氨酸和异亮氨酸消化量分别为88.1%,97.1%和89.0%。



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