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Using e-book solution for teaching and learning on Cloud Bookcase

机译:使用电子书解决方案在Cloud Bookcase上进行教与学



E-Learning is no longer a slogan but a way of teaching and learning that can be implemented since computers and internet are more and more universal. The teacher often uses Microsoft PowerPoint to explain teaching materials and to write down some explanation or additional information in the class at the same time. If the teaching processes and the additional explanations can be completely presented, it would be helpful for the students to review teaching materials after learning in the classroom. In addition, the teacher can add homework exercises in teaching materials, and students would gain a great teaching assistance from this system. In this thesis, we have constructed a complete e-book solution as an integrated system for teaching and learning by combining Cute Page Writer and Cloud Bookcase. Meanwhile, this system allows the teacher fully to integrate a variety of different multimedia teaching materials, such as documents, video, and web content. And then, the teacher can upload the e-book projects to Cloud Bookcase. The students can download these projects from Cloud Bookcase after class and read them by their own computers. Furthermore, Cloud Bookcase provides a social network service for the teacher and the students to interact online.
机译:电子学习已不再是口号,而是一种可以实现的教学方式,因为计算机和互联网越来越普及。老师经常使用Microsoft PowerPoint来解释教学材料,并在课堂上同时写下一些解释或其他信息。如果能够完整地介绍教学过程和附加说明,那么对学生在课堂学习后复习教材将很有帮助。此外,教师可以在教材中添加家庭作业,这样学生就可以从该系统中获得很大的教学帮助。本文结合Cute Page Writer和Cloud Bookcase,构建了完整的电子书解决方案作为教学和学习的集成系统。同时,该系统允许教师完全集成各种不同的多媒体教学材料,例如文档,视频和Web内容。然后,教师可以将电子书项目上载到Cloud Bookcase。课后,学生可以从Cloud Bookcase下载这些项目,并用自己的计算机阅读它们。此外,Cloud Bookcase提供了一种社交网络服务,供老师和学生在线互动。



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