




Perhaps no greater ―soft skills‖ are necessary for the Engineer to acquire than the ability todeal capably with ethical issues and to behave in a professional manner, for these skills lie at the heart ofthe engineer’s primary obligation—to hold paramount the public safety, health, and welfare. As Engineersseek to enhance their image in the 21st century by achieving a better grasp of globalization andimproving their ability to communicate effectively, they must also strive to enhance their image with thepublic whom they are obligated to protect by performing their work in accordance with ethical standardsand by giving back to their profession through participation in professional activities and licensure. TheEngineer’s role and responsibility today extends beyond protecting today’s public to protecting futuregenerations and the environment that these generations will inherit.While ethics have always been an important component of engineering practice, the ethicalconsiderations of the 21st century place a heavier burden on engineers today. Engineers today must alsowork to devise ethical means of addressing such problems as climate change, an increase in naturaldisasters, and the pressing need to incorporate the principles of sustainable design into a wide array ofprojects. And as Engineers move forward in the 21st century, they must also formulate a vision thatfocuses on how best to determine future societal needs and approaches the management processaccordingly, an ethical consideration not typically considered in the past.The public ―takes for granted‖ that the infrastructure for which the public relies will not fail. The public alsoputs their trust into engineers and believes that Engineers will be truthful and honest. The standard oftruthfulness in engineering is very high, much higher than in everyday life. It imposes an absoluteprohibition on deception. An engineering practicing professional must possess a service motive and shareadvances in knowledge, safeguard professional integrity and ideals, and render gratuitous public servicein addition to service rendered to clients; must recognize one’s obligations to society and to otherpractitioners by living up to established codes of conduct; must assume relations of confidence andaccept individual responsibility; and should carry one’s part of professional groups as well as one’s part ofthe responsibility of advancing professional knowledge, ideals, and practice.Given the failing infrastructure of today, in today’s environment, the client is looking to the engineer toprovide solutions that will not only be in the best interest of ―today‖ but will serve as a solution for―tomorrow‖ and the ―future‖. Sustainability considerations, life-cycle costing and asset managementconsiderations are all areas that an engineer should be addressing along with the risks that may arisebased on decisions to be made in these considerations which in turn may fall to an expected standard ofcare. The design process must consider the knowledge of a particular product performance or designprocess as is easily obtained in the public domain-especially given the internet and the availability ofknowledge and engineering journals. Assumptions made in the design process will be used in standard ofcare allegations.
机译:也许没有更大的-oft技能�工程师获得比能力所必需的 尽可能地处理道德问题并以专业的方式表现,因为这些技能躺在核心 工程师的主要义务 - 为公共安全,健康和福利持有至关重要的义务。作为工程师 通过实现更好的全球化和掌握全球化和掌握来提高21世纪的形象 改善他们有效沟通的能力,他们还必须努力增强他们的形象 通过按照道德标准执行其工作,他们有义务保护他们的公众 通过参加专业活动和许可证来回馈他们的职业。这 今天的工程师的角色和责任在于保护今天的公众来保护未来 几代和这些世代将继承的环境。 虽然道德规范始终是工程实践的重要组成部分,但道德规范 21世纪的考虑因素在今天的工程师身上造成较重的负担。今天的工程师也必须 努力使伦理手段解决这些问题作为气候变化,自然增加 灾害,并压迫需要将可持续设计的原则纳入广泛的阵列中 项目。随着工程师在21世纪前进,他们还必须制定愿景 专注于如何最好地确定未来的社会需求并接近管理流程 因此,通常不考虑过去的道德考虑。 公众 - 理所当然地说,公众依赖的基础设施不会失败。公众也是 将他们的信任投入到工程师中,并相信工程师将是真实和诚实的。标准 工程的真实性非常高,远高于日常生活。它施加了绝对的 禁止欺骗。工程练习专业人员必须拥有服务动机和分享 知识,维护专业诚信和理想的进步,并提供无偿公共服务 除了向客户提供的服务之外;必须认识到一个人对社会和其他人的义务 从业人员致力于既定的行为准则;必须承担自信的关系 接受个人责任;并应承担专业团体的一部分以及一个人的一部分 推进专业知识,理想和实践的责任。 鉴于今天的基础设施失败,在今天的环境中,客户正在向工程师展望 提供不仅符合-Today‖的最佳利益的解决方案,而且可以作为解决方案 -Oromarrow‖和--future‖。可持续性考虑,生命周期成本和资产管理 考虑因素是工程师应该与可能出现的风险一起解决的领域 根据这些考虑因素的决定,这反过来可能落到预期的标准 关心。设计过程必须考虑特定产品性能或设计的知识 在公共领域中容易获得的过程 - 特别是介绍互联网和可用性 知识和工程期刊。在设计过程中的假设将用于标准 护理指控。



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