首页> 外文会议>International conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence >Collision Avoidance Dynamics Among Heterogeneous Agents: The Case of Pedestrian/Vehicle Interactions

Collision Avoidance Dynamics Among Heterogeneous Agents: The Case of Pedestrian/Vehicle Interactions




The dynamics of agent-based models and systems provides a framework to face complex issues related to the management of future cities, such as transportation and mobility. Once validated against empirical data, the use of agent-based simulations allows to envision and analyse complex phenomena, not directly accessible from the real world, in a predictive and explanatory scheme. In this paper, we apply this paradigm by proposing an agent-based simulation system focused on pedestrian/vehicle interactions at non-signalized intersections. The model has been designed based on the results gathered by means of an observation, executed at a non-signalized intersection characterized by a relevant number of pedestrian-car accidents in the past years. Manual video-tracking analyses showed that the interactions between pedestrians and vehicles at the zebra cross are generally composed of three phases: (i) the pedestrian freely walks on the side-walk approaching the zebra; (ii) at the proximity of the curb, he/she slows down to evaluate the safety gap from approaching cars to cross, possibly yielding to let the car pass (appraising); (iii) the pedestrian starts crossing. The overall heterogeneous system is composed of two types of agents (i.e. vehicle and pedestrian agents), defining the subjects of the interactions under investigation. The system is used to reproduce the observed traffic conditions and analyse the potential effects of overloading the system on comfort and safety of road users.
机译:基于代理的模型和系统的动态性提供了一个框架,可解决与未来城市管理相关的复杂问题,例如交通和出行。一旦根据经验数据进行了验证,基于代理的模拟的使用就可以以预测和解释性方案来设想和分析无法从现实世界中直接访问的复杂现象。在本文中,我们通过提出一个基于代理的仿真系统来应用此范式,该仿真系统专注于非信号交叉口的行人/车辆交互。该模型是根据通过观察收集的结果设计的,该观察是在非信号交叉口执行的,该交叉口的特征是在过去几年中发生了许多相关的行人车祸。手动视频跟踪分析显示,斑马线处行人与车辆之间的交互通常包括三个阶段:(i)行人在接近斑马线的人行道上自由行走; (ii)在路缘附近,他/她放慢速度,以评估从驶近的汽车到过马路的安全距离,可能屈服让汽车通过(评估); (iii)行人开始过马路。整个异构系统由两种类型的主体(即车辆主体和行人主体)组成,它们定义了正在调查的交互的主体。该系统用于再现观察到的交通状况,并分析系统超载对道路使用者的舒适性和安全性的潜在影响。



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