首页> 外文会议>Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation >A Listenability Measuring Method for an Adaptive Computer-assisted Language Learning and Teaching System

A Listenability Measuring Method for an Adaptive Computer-assisted Language Learning and Teaching System




In teaching and learning of English as a foreign language, the Internet serves as a source of authentic listening material, enabling learners to practice English in real contexts. An adaptive computer-assisted language learning and teaching system can pick up news clips as authentic materials from the Internet according to learner listening proficiency if it is equipped with a listenability measuring method that takes into both linguistic features of a news clip and the listening proficiency. Therefore, we developed a method for measuring listening proficiency-based listenability. With our method, listenability is measured through multiple regression analysis using both learner and linguistic features as independent variables. Learner features account for learner listening proficiency, and linguistic features explain lexical, syntactic, and phonological complexities of sentences. A cross validation test showed that listenability measured with our method exhibited higher correlation (r = 0.57) than listenability measured with other methods using either learner features (r = 0.43) or other linguistic features (r = 0.32, r = 0.36). A comparison of our method with other methods showed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.003 after Bonferroni correction). These results suggest the effectiveness of learner and linguistic features for measuring listening proficiency-based listenability.
机译:在英语作为外语的教学中,互联网充当了真实的听力材料的来源,使学习者可以在实际环境中练习英语。如果自适应计算机辅助语言学习和教学系统配备了兼顾新闻剪辑和听力熟练度的听觉度测量方法,则它可以根据学习者的听力水平从互联网上获取新闻剪辑作为真实资料。因此,我们开发了一种用于测量基于听力熟练度的可听性的方法。使用我们的方法,通过将学习者和语言功能作为自变量进行多元回归分析来衡量可听性。学习者功能说明了学习者的听力水平,而语言功能则说明了句子的词汇,句法和语音复杂性。交叉验证测试表明,与使用学习者特征(r = 0.43)或其他语言特征(r = 0.32,r = 0.36)的其他方法测量的可听性相比,用我们的方法测量的可听性表现出更高的相关性(r = 0.57)。我们的方法与其他方法的比较显示出统计学上的显着差异(Bonferroni校正后p <0.003)。这些结果表明,学习者和语言功能可有效地测量基于听力熟练程度的可听性。



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