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An active learning module for an introduction to software engineering course




Many schools do not begin to introduce college students to software engineering until they have had at least one semester of programming. Since software engineering is a large, complex, and abstract subject it is difficult to construct active learning exercises that build on the students' elementary knowledge of programming and still teach basic software engineering principles. It is also the case that beginning students typically know how to construct small programs, but they have little experience with the techniques necessary to produce reliable and long-term maintainable modules. I have addressed these two concerns by defining a local standard (Montana Tech Method (MTM) Software Development Standard for Small Modules Template) that step-by-step directs students toward the construction of highly reliable small modules using well known, best-practices software engineering techniques. “Small module” is here defined as a coherent development task that can be unit tested, and can be carried out by a single (or a pair of) software engineer(s) in at most a few weeks. The standard describes the process to be used and also provides a template for the top-level documentation. The instructional module's sequence of mini-lectures and exercises associated with the use of this (and other) local standards are used throughout the course, which perforce covers more abstract software engineering material using traditional reading and writing assignments. The sequence of mini-lectures and hands-on assignments (many of which are done in small groups) constitutes an instructional module that can be used in any similar software engineering course.
机译:许多学校直到至少有一个学期的编程才开始向大学生介绍软件工程。由于软件工程是一门庞大,复杂和抽象的学科,因此很难构建基于学生的编程基本知识并仍然教授基本软件工程原理的主动学习练习。同样的情况是,初学者通常会知道如何构造小程序,但他们对产生可靠且可长期维护的模块所必需的技术缺乏经验。我通过定义一个本地标准(小型模块模板的蒙大拿州技术方法(MTM)软件开发标准)解决了这两个问题,该标准逐步指导学生使用众所周知的最佳实践软件来构建高度可靠的小型模块。工程技术。 “小模块”在这里定义为可以进行单元测试的一致的开发任务,并且可以由一个(或一对)软件工程师在最多几周内执行。该标准描述了要使用的过程,还提供了顶级文档的模板。在整个课程中,均使用与该(和其他)本地标准相关的微型课程和练习的教学模块序列,这些课程使用传统的阅读和写作作业来涵盖更抽象的软件工程材料。微型讲座和动手作业的顺序(其中许多作业以小组形式进行)构成了一个教学模块,可以在任何类似的软件工程课程中使用。



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