首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems >Attention estimation by simultaneous analysis of viewer and view

Attention estimation by simultaneous analysis of viewer and view




This paper introduces a system for estimating the attention of a driver wearing a first person view camera using salient objects to improve gaze estimation. A challenging data set of pedestrians crossing intersections has been captured using Google Glass worn by a driver. A challenge unique to first person view from cars is that the interior of the car can take up a large part of the image. The proposed system automatically filters out the dashboard of the car, along with other parts of the instrumentation. The remaining area is used as a region of interest for a pedestrian detector. Two cameras looking at the driver are used to determine the direction of the driver's gaze, by examining the eye corners and the center of the iris. This coarse gaze estimation is then linked to the detected pedestrians to determine which pedestrian the driver is focused on at any given time.
机译:本文介绍了一种系统,该系统使用突出的物体来估计佩戴第一人称视角相机的驾驶员的注意力,以改善注视估计。使用驾驶员佩戴的Google Glass捕获了具有挑战性的交叉路口行人数据集。汽车第一人称视角的独特挑战是汽车内部会占据图像的很大一部分。拟议的系统会自动过滤出汽车的仪表板以及仪表的其他部分。其余区域用作行人检测器的关注区域。通过检查眼角和虹膜中​​心,使用两个看着驾驶员的摄像机来确定驾驶员视线的方向。然后,该粗略的凝视估计被链接到检测到的行人,以确定在任何给定时间驾驶员将注意力集中在哪个行人上。



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