首页> 外文会议>Transportation Research Board Annual meeting >Comparison of Two Novel Travel Time Estimation Techniques Based on Probe Vehicle Data: Kriging versus Non-linear Programming Based Approaches

Comparison of Two Novel Travel Time Estimation Techniques Based on Probe Vehicle Data: Kriging versus Non-linear Programming Based Approaches




This study proposes and compares two novel approaches for estimating link travel timesusing data collected by an electronic toll collection system deployed on a closed roadwaysystem instead of sensors and AVI readers specifically deployed for traffic monitoring.This dual use of toll readers for travel time estimation can be an attractive approach sinceit eliminates additional costs of deploying and maintaining sensors. However, readers arenot located on the mainline, but instead on the ramps. Aside from the fact that the specialconfiguration of the readers can present an important challenge in terms of accuracy ofthe estimates, the demand level associated with particular OD pairs is not always enoughto obtain accurate average travel times. This study proposes two distinct statistical andmathematical programming based approaches to estimate link travel times, and studiespros and cons of each approach in terms of the accuracy of travel time estimates given theexisting the infrastructure of the road system.
机译:这项研究提出并比较了两种新颖的方法来估算路段旅行时间 使用部署在封闭道路上的电子收费系统收集的数据 系统,而不是专门用于交通监控的传感器和AVI阅读器。 收费电话阅读器在旅行时间估计中的这种双重使用可能是一种有吸引力的方法,因为 它消除了部署和维护传感器的额外成本。但是,读者是 不在主线上,而是在匝道上。除了特殊的事实 阅读器的配置可能会在精度方面带来重大挑战 估计,与特定OD对相关的需求水平并不总是足够的 以获得准确的平均旅行时间。这项研究提出了两种截然不同的统计和 基于数学程序设计的方法来估算路段旅行时间,并进行研究 考虑到旅行时间估计的准确性,每种方法的利弊 现有的道路系统基础设施。



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