首页> 外文会议>Transportation Research Board Annual meeting >Dynamic Origin-Destination Demand Flow Estimation under Congested Traffic Conditions: A General Framework

Dynamic Origin-Destination Demand Flow Estimation under Congested Traffic Conditions: A General Framework




This paper presents a single-level nonlinear optimization model to estimate dynamicorigin-destination (OD) demand. In contrast to the majority of previous studies, a path5flow based optimization model, which does not require explicit dynamic link-pathincidences, is developed to minimize (ⅰ) the deviation between observed and estimatedtraffic states and (ⅱ) the deviation between aggregated path flows and target OD flows,subject to dynamic user equilibrium constraints represented by a gap-function-basedreformulation. A Lagrangian relaxation algorithmic framework, which dualizes thedifficult user equilibrium constraints to construct a tractable nonlinear programmingmodel, is proposed and solved by an efficient gradient-based path flow adjustmentalgorithm. This study also derives analytical gradient formulas for the link flow, densityand travel time changes as a function of incoming time-dependent path flow rate changesin a general network under congestion conditions. Numerical results illustrate theeffectiveness and shed some light on the properties of the proposed OD estimationmethod and the DNL model.
机译:本文提出了一种单级非线性优化模型来估计动态 原产地(OD)需求。与以往的大多数研究相反,一条路径5 基于流的优化模型,不需要显式的动态链接路径 发生率的制定是为了最大程度地减少(ⅰ)观测值与估计值之间的偏差 交通状态和(ⅱ)汇总路径流量与目标OD流量之间的偏差, 受基于间隙函数表示的动态用户均衡约束的约束 重新配方。拉格朗日松弛算法框架,可将 困难的用户平衡约束,以构建可处理的非线性规划 通过有效的基于梯度的路径流量调整提出并解决了该模型 算法。这项研究还导出了链节流量,密度的解析梯度公式 和行进时间的变化是随时间变化的路径流量变化的函数 在拥塞情况下的一般网络中。数值结果说明了 有效性,并为提议的OD估计的性质提供了一些启示 方法和DNL模型。



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