
e-System for Public Administration Reporting Services




An important process in any government is collecting data about businesses in order to develop efficient short- and long-time strategies. Although business enterprises are required to provide such statistics, many times these reports prove to be costly, time-consuming and based on redundant data. For example, information about employees is used for labor reports, health-plan reports, etc. Furthermore, this data is already available in the back-office systems being already used by many business organizations. We present an e-Services platform designed to automatically collect such data, aggregate them according to government-defined rules and help the company/enterprise by automatically generating reports and statistics that are automatically sent to the public administration entities. In particular, we detail on the implementation of the service designed to automatically collect data from back-office systems and map them to certain report templates. We also detail on the implementation of workflows describing the tasks involved to generate such statistics and reports, as defined by the public administration. The solution is designed to help government better plan its strategy and facilitate a better interaction between business organization and the public administration.



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