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LIFT investigation in nanosecond regime using high speed visualisation


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We studied the extension of LIFT method to the deposition of Cr thin film in the nanosecond regime. The major objective was to perform high-speed visualisation of the different phenomena involved in LEFT process using a CCD camera. The Cr thin films (40 nm thickness), previously deposited on glass substrates by a conventional technique, were irradiated by a SPECTRA PHYSICS 2ω Nd:YAG laser (λ=532 nm, τ= 7ns, 500mJ/pulse, 10Hz). The dynamics of the plume was monitored using a CCD camera. Photos were taken at different delay times after laser irradiation. The timing of both the laser pulse and the gate opening of the CCD camera was controlled by a programmable pulse generator. For plasma visualisation we have set the gate width at 5 ns.
机译:我们研究了LIFT方法在纳秒范围内对Cr薄膜沉积的扩展。主要目的是使用CCD相机对LEFT过程中涉及的不同现象进行高速可视化。用SPECTRA PHYSICS2ωNd:YAG激光(λ= 532 nm,τ= 7ns,500mJ / pulse,10Hz)辐照预先通过常规技术沉积在玻璃基板上的Cr薄膜(厚度为40 nm)。使用CCD摄像机监控羽流的动态。激光照射后,在不同的延迟时间拍摄照片。激光脉冲和CCD相机的开门时间均由可编程脉冲发生器控制。对于等离子体可视化,我们将栅极宽度设置为5 ns。



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