
How Rude Are You?: Evaluating Politeness and Affect in Interaction


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Recent research on conversational agents emphasises the need to build affective conversational systems with social intelligence. Politeness is an integral part of socially appropriate and affective conversational behaviour, e.g. consider the difference in the pragmatic effect of realizing the same communicative goal with either "Get me a glass of water mate!" or "I wonder if I could possibly have some water please?" This paper presents POLLy (Politeness for Language Learning), a system which combines a spoken language generator with an artificial intelligence planner to model Brown and Levinson's theory of politeness in collaborative task-oriented dialogue, with the ultimate goal of providing a fun and stimulating environment for learning English as a second language. An evaluation of politeness perceptions of POLLy's output shows that: (1) perceptions are generally consistent with Brown and Levinson's predictions for choice of form and for discourse situation, i.e. utterances to strangers need to be much more polite than those to friends; (2) our indirect strategies which should be the politest forms, are seen as the rudest; and (3) English and Indian native speakers of English have different perceptions of politeness.
机译:最近有关对话主体的研究强调需要利用社会智能来建立情感对话系统。礼貌是社交上适当和情感上的对话行为不可或缺的一部分,例如考虑通过“给我一杯水!”来实现相同的交际目标在实际效果上的差异。或“我想知道我是否可以喝点水?”本文介绍了POLLy(语言学习的礼貌)系统,该系统将口语生成器与人工智能计划程序相结合,在面向任务的协作对话中对Brown和Levinson的礼貌理论进行建模,其最终目的是提供一个有趣而刺激的环境学习英语作为第二语言。对POLLy输出的礼貌感知的评估表明:(1)感知通常与Brown和Levinson对形式选择和话语情况的预测一致,即对陌生人的言语要比对朋友的言语要礼貌得多; (2)我们的间接策略应该是最政治的形式,被认为是最粗鲁的; (3)英语和印度语为英语的母语者对礼貌的看法不同。



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