
Digital Marketing Research - How to Effectively Utilize Online Research Methods




The term market research refers to gathering, analyzing and presenting information that is related to a well-defined problem. Hence the focus of market research is a specific problem or project with a beginning and an end. Although the Internet is still confined to the boundaries of the personal computer screen this will soon be a thing of the past; it is now clear that the Internet is definitely going to be a medium for the masses. Many researchers are amazed at how efficiently surveys can be conducted, tabulated and analyzed on the Web. Additionally, online data collection lets marketeers use complex study designs once considered either too expensive or too cumbersome to execute via traditional means. Although the earliest online tools offered little more than the ability to deploy paper-based questionnaires to Internet users, contemporary online tools and services are available with a wide range of features at a wide range of prices which will be outlined in the following sections.



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