首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science >Variational Encoder-Decoder Recurrent Neural Network (VED-RNN) for Anomaly Prediction in a Host Environment

Variational Encoder-Decoder Recurrent Neural Network (VED-RNN) for Anomaly Prediction in a Host Environment




Intrusion detection systems (IDS) are important security tools. NIDS monitors network's traffic and HIDS filters local one. HIDS are often based on anomaly detection. Several studies deal with anomaly detection using system-call traces. In this paper, we propose an anomaly detection and prediction approach. System-call traces, invoked by the running programs, are analyzed in real time. For prediction, we use a Sequence to sequence model based on variational encoder-decoder (VED) and variants of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), these architectures showed their performance on natural language processing. To make the analogy, we exploit the semantics behind the invoking order of system-calls that are then seen as sentences. A preprocessing phase is added to optimize the prediction model input data representation. A one-class classification is done to categorize the sequences into normal or abnormal. Tests are achieved on the ADFA-LD dataset and showed the advantage of the prediction for the intrusion detection/prediction task.
机译:入侵检测系统(IDS)是重要的安全工具。 NIDS监控网络流量,而HIDS过滤本地流量。 HIDS通常基于异常检测。一些研究使用系统调用跟踪来处理异常检测。在本文中,我们提出了一种异常检测和预测方法。正在运行的程序调用的系统调用跟踪被实时分析。为了进行预测,我们使用了基于变式编码器/解码器(VED)和递归神经网络(RNN)变体的序列排序模型,这些体系结构显示了它们在自然语言处理上的性能。为了进行类比,我们利用了系统调用的调用顺序背后的语义,这些调用随后被视为句子。添加了预处理阶段以优化预测模型输入数据表示。进行一类分类以将序列分类为正常或异常。在ADFA-LD数据集上进行了测试,结果表明了预测对于入侵检测/预测任务的优势。



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