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Conciliating Model-Driven Engineering with Technical Debt Using a Quality Framework


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The main goal of this work is to evaluate the feasibility to calculate the technical debt (a traditional software quality approach) in a model-driven context through the same tools used by software developers at work. The SonarQube tool was used, so that the quality check was performed directly on projects created with Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) instead of traditionals source code projects. In this work, XML was used as the model specification language to verify in SonarQube due to the creation of EMF metamodels in XMI (XML Metadata Interchange) and that SonarQube offers a plugin to assess the XML language. After this, our work focused on the definition of model rules as an XSD schema (XML Schema Definition) and the integration between EMF-SonarQube in order that these metrics were directly validated by SonarQube; and subsequently, this tool determined the technical debt that the analyzed EMF models could contain.
机译:这项工作的主要目的是通过与软件开发人员在工作中使用的相同工具,评估在模型驱动的上下文中计算技术债务(传统软件质量方法)的可行性。使用SonarQube工具,以便直接在使用Eclipse Modeling Framework(EMF)创建的项目上执行质量检查,而不是在传统的源代码项目上进行质量检查。在这项工作中,由于在XMI(XML元数据交换)中创建了EMF元模型,因此XML被用作模型规范语言在SonarQube中进行了验证,并且SonarQube提供了用于评估XML语言的插件。此后,我们的工作重点是将模型规则定义为XSD架构(XML架构定义)以及EMF-SonarQube之间的集成,以便这些指标可以由SonarQube直接验证。随后,该工具确定了所分析的EMF模型可能包含的技术债务。



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