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Blockchain-Based and Multi-Layered Electricity Imbalance Settlement Architecture




In the power grid, the Balance Responsible Parties (BRPs) purchase energy based on a forecast of the user consumption. The forecasts are imperfect, and the corrections of their real-time deviations are managed by a System Operator (SO), which charges the BRPs for the procured imbalances. Flexible consumers, associated with a BRP, can be involved in a demand response (DR) program to reduce the imbalance costs. However, running the DR program requires the BRP to invest resources in the infrastructure and increases its operating costs. To limit the intervention of BRP, we implement the DR via a blockchain smart contract. Moreover, to reduce the delay of publication of the imbalance price, caused by the inefficient accounting process of the current balancing markets, a second blockchain is adopted at the SO layer, procuring a fast and auditable credit settlements. The feasibility of the proposed architecture is evaluated over an Ethereum blockchain platform. The results show that block chains can enable a high automation of the balancing market, by providing (i) the implementation of aggregators with low operating cost and (ii) the timely and transparent access to the balancing information, thus fostering new business models for the BRPs.
机译:在电网中,负责任的平衡方(BRP)根据用户消耗的预测来购买能源。预测是不完善的,其实时偏差的更正由系统操作员(SO)管理,该操作员向BRP收取采购的不平衡费用。与BRP相关联的灵活消费者可以参与需求响应(DR)计划,以减少不平衡成本。但是,运行DR程序需要BRP在基础架构中投入资源并增加其运营成本。为了限制BRP的干预,我们通过区块链智能合约实施灾难恢复。此外,为了减少由于当前平衡市场的低效会计流程导致的不平衡价格发布的延迟,在SO层采用了第二个区块链,以实现快速且可审核的信用结算。通过以太坊区块链平台评估了拟议架构的可行性。结果表明,区块链可以通过(i)以较低的运营成本实施聚合器,以及(ii)及时,透明地访问平衡信息,从而为平衡交易市场提供高度自动化,从而为平衡交易市场实现高度自动化。 BRP。



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