首页> 外文会议>International symposium on high voltage engineering;ISH2003 >High-voltage pulsed-power supplies for automotive exhaust gas treatmentwith dielectric barrier reactor

High-voltage pulsed-power supplies for automotive exhaust gas treatmentwith dielectric barrier reactor


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One of the promising post-processingrnmethods to reduce the emission of soot in automotiverndiesel engines is based on the generation of pulsatingrnelectric discharges in the exhaust gas. For that purposerna system is needed that generates high voltage pulsesrnin the range 10 to 20kV at a repetition rate of 1-100rnkHz, which is fed from the next generation 42Vrnautomotive PowerNet bus. This paper concerns thernpower supply and an electrical circuit model of thernreactor. From the geometric dimensions, materials andrnmeasurements, an electric network model of the DBrnreactor is compiled. This model is required to be ablernto design a dedicated high-voltage pulsed powerrnsupply. The requirements for the power supply havernbeen investigated and suitable circuits topologies arernproposed. Experiments have been carried out with anrnexperimental pulsed power supply to verify the reactorrnmodel. The experiments show that the model can bernused for design purposes of the power supply.
机译:减少汽车柴油机中烟尘排放的有前途的后处理方法之一是基于废气中脉动放电的产生。为此,需要一种能以1-100rnkHz的重复频率生成10至20kV范围内高压脉冲的系统,该系统由下一代42Vrnautomotive PowerNet总线供电。本文涉及反应堆的电源和电路模型。根据几何尺寸,材料和尺寸,建立了DBrnreactor的电网模型。需要该模型才能设计专用的高压脉冲电源。已经研究了电源要求,并提出了合适的电路拓扑。已经用实验性脉冲电源进行了实验以验证反应堆模型。实验表明,该模型可用于电源设计目的。



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