
Personalization of Political Discoures On Social Media


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According to Phillips and Young, success in politics is now highly influenced by the online activities of political institutions. Within these platforms, politicians can exchange views on the latest partisan developments or hot topics, inviting the public and citizens to comment, share ideas and adhere to their political programs [Phililips and Young et al 2009]. According to Sundar, Kalyanaraman, and Brown (2003) interactivity is usually associated with positive perception. The user will only make an effort to search and read the information if he feels engaged with the political party or message [Sundar, Kalyanaraman and Brown et al 2003]. Online political engagement is largely restricted to people already active in politics and on the Internet. Other audiences are less responsive [Tenhunen and Karvelyte et al 2015]. Nevertheless, in the last years, social media has reshaped its structures and methods of contemporary political communication. The public became more active and willing to react to political message even though it is not partisan of a political party. That is why, in the last years, politicians have a significant interest to have a two-way communication with their citizens, to discover their opinions and feelings about different ideas. Therefore, it is essential to allocate resources for sentiment analysis, which is also called opinion mining (one of the most active research areas in natural language processing since early 2000 [Liu et al 2012]).
机译:菲利普斯和杨(Phillips and Young)认为,政治上的成功现在受到政治机构在线活动的高度影响。在这些平台上,政客可以就党派的最新发展或热门话题交换意见,邀请公众和公民发表评论,分享想法并遵守其政治计划[Phililips and Young et al 2009]。根据Sundar,Kalyanaraman和Brown(2003)的研究,互动通常与积极的知觉相关。如果用户感到与政党或信息互动,他只会努力搜索和阅读信息[Sundar,Kalyanaraman和Brown等,2003年]。在线政治参与在很大程度上限于已经活跃在政治和互联网上的人们。其他听众反应较慢[Tenhunen and Karvelyte et al 2015]。然而,近年来,社交媒体已经改变了其当代政治传播的结构和方法。尽管公众不是政党的党派,但公众变得更加活跃,并愿意对政治信息做出反应。这就是为什么在过去几年中,政客们非常感兴趣的是与公民进行双向交流,以发现他们对不同观点的看法和感受。因此,必须分配用于情感分析的资源,这也被称为观点挖掘(自2000年初以来,自然语言处理领域最活跃的研究领域之一[Liu等,2012])。



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