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A Novel Quick Qmax Test Method and Experimental Investigation of Heat Pipes


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In traditional heat pipe performance test, to keep an adiabatic temperature at a constant value, the evaporator wall temperature would be slowly increased when the thermal power was step input to the evaporator of the heat pipe. The maximum heat transfer rate (Q_(max)) was then defined that when the evaporator wall temperature rapidly increased at a certain amount of power input to the heat pipe. However, it is not easy to distinguish this sharp increased curve and sometimes result in the wrong Q_(max) data. In addition, it took too long for waiting the evaporator temperature approach to a steady state, thus this process could not use be for the fully check Qmax of the heat pipe. In this paper, we propose a novel quick test method to predict the maximum heat dissipation of the heat pipes namely Dynamic-Temperature-Tracing (D.T.T). The concept of the D.T.T was when we tracing the evaporator and the adiabatic wall temperature, these two temperature curves should be the same trend before the dry-out phenomena was occurred. Theoretically, when the dry-out start to occur in the heat pipe, the adiabatic temperature profile was no longer kept the same temperature profile as that of the evaporator. Hence, the maximum heat dissipate ability of the heat pipe was then easy to obtained at this measuring adiabatic temperature. The data were also compared with those obtained from the traditional standard method at the same equivalent evaporator length, condenser length and adiabatic temperature. In this experiments, sinter powder and groove heat pipes with diameter 6mm, 8mm and 200mm length were selected as the capillary wick structure. Comparing with traditional method results, the errors of maximum heat transfer rate are less than 15%. The results also shown D.T.T. method is much fast and reliable compare with the traditional test method.
机译:在传统的热管性能测试中,为了将绝热温度保持在恒定值,当将热功率逐步输入到热管的蒸发器中时,蒸发器壁温将缓慢升高。然后定义最大传热速率(Q_(max)),即当蒸发器壁温在输入到热管的一定功率下迅速增加时。但是,区分这种急剧增加的曲线并不容易,有时会导致错误的Q_(max)数据。另外,等待蒸发器温度接近稳定状态花费的时间太长,因此该过程不能用于完全检查热管的Qmax。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的快速测试方法来预测热管的最大散热量,即动态温度跟踪(D.T.T)。 D.T.T的概念是当我们追踪蒸发器和绝热壁的温度时,在出现变干现象之前,这两个温度曲线应该是相同的趋势。从理论上讲,当在热管中开始发生干燥时,绝热温度曲线不再保持与蒸发器相同的温度曲线。因此,在该绝热温度下,容易获得热管的最大散热能力。在相同的等效蒸发器长度,冷凝器长度和绝热温度下,还将数据与从传统标准方法获得的数据进行比较。在本实验中,选择了直径分别为6mm,8mm和200mm的烧结粉末和凹槽热管作为毛细管芯结构。与传统方法的结果相比,最大传热率的误差小于15%。结果还显示了D.T.T.与传统的测试方法相比,该方法快速,可靠。



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