首页> 外文会议>25th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology pt.1 >Model-based insertion and optimization of assist features with application to contact layers

Model-based insertion and optimization of assist features with application to contact layers


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To shorten the turn around time and reduce the amount of effort for SRAF insertion and optimization on any arbitrary layout, a new model-based SRAF insertion and optimization flow is developed. It is based on the pixel-based mask optimization technique to find the optimal mask shapes that result in the best image contrast. The contrast-optimized mask is decomposed into main features and assist features. The decomposed assist features are then run through a simplification process for shot count reduction to improve mask writing throughput. Model-based Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) is applied finally to achieve required pattern fidelity for the current technology. In this flow, main features and assist features are allowed to be optimized simultaneously such that the effect of SRAF optimization and Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) are achieved. Since the objective of the mask optimization is the image fidelity, and there is no light coming through assist features (in dark field case), the assist features were ensured not to print even with high dose. The results on 65nm/contact layer showed this approach greatly reduced the total time and effort required for SRAF placement optimization compared to rule-based method, with better lithographic performance for various layout types when compared to rule-based approach.
机译:为了缩短周转时间并减少在任意布局上进行SRAF插入和优化的工作量,开发了一种基于模型的新SRAF插入和优化流程。它基于基于像素的蒙版优化技术,以找到导致最佳图像对比度的最佳蒙版形状。对比度优化的蒙版被分解为主要功能和辅助功能。然后,经过分解的辅助功能将通过简化过程进行操作,以减少镜头计数,从而提高掩模写入吞吐量。最终应用基于模型的光学邻近校正(OPC),以实现当前技术所需的图案保真度。在此流程中,主要特征和辅助特征可以同时进行优化,从而实现SRAF优化和光学邻近校正(OPC)的效果。由于掩模优化的目标是图像保真度,并且没有光通过辅助功能部件(在暗视场情况下),因此即使在高剂量下也确保了辅助功能部件不打印。在65nm /接触层上的结果表明,与基于规则的方法相比,该方法大大减少了SRAF布局优化所需的总时间和精力,并且与基于规则的方法相比,对于各种布局类型,光刻性能更好。



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