首页> 外文会议>2018 IEEE/ACM 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion >Poster: CrossEcore: An Extendible Framework to Use Ecore and OCL Across Platforms

Poster: CrossEcore: An Extendible Framework to Use Ecore and OCL Across Platforms


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Today, model-driven approaches are a cornerstone in modern software development. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) is highly adopted in practice and generates Java code from platform-independent models with embedded Object Constraint Language (OCL) expressions. However, applications that target multiple platforms like Android, iOS, Windows, web browsers usually need to be implemented in different programming languages. Feature-complete Ecore and OCL runtime APIs are not available for all these platforms, such that their functionality has to be re-implemented. In this paper, we present CrossEcore: A multi-platform enabled modeling framework that generates C#, Swift, TypeScript, and JavaScript code from Ecore models with embedded OCL. An OCL compiler translates OCL expressions into expressions of the target language. The Ecore and OCL API can be consistently used across platforms, which facilitates application portability. CrossEcore is also extendible and can be easily adopted for new programming languages.
机译:如今,模型驱动的方法已成为现代软件开发的基石。 Eclipse建模框架(EMF)在实践中被高度采用,并从具有嵌入式对象约束语言(OCL)表达式的平台无关模型生成Java代码。但是,针对多个平台(例如Android,iOS,Windows,Web浏览器)的应用程序通常需要以不同的编程语言来实现。并非功能完善的Ecore和OCL运行时API不适用于所有这些平台,因此必须重新实现其功能。在本文中,我们介绍了CrossEcore:支持多平台的建模框架,该框架从具有嵌入式OCL的Ecore模型生成C#,Swift,TypeScript和JavaScript代码。 OCL编译器将OCL表达式转换为目标语言的表达式。 Ecore和OCL API可以在各个平台上一致地使用,从而促进了应用程序的可移植性。 CrossEcore也是可扩展的,可以很容易地用于新的编程语言。



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