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htm的相关文献在1997年到2022年内共计113篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、无线电电子学、电信技术、公路运输 等领域,其中期刊论文66篇、专利文献47篇;相关期刊38种,包括军民两用技术与产品、计算机应用文摘、电脑爱好者等; htm的相关文献由156位作者贡献,包括臧斌宇、陈榕、陈海波等。



论文:66 占比:58.41%


论文:47 占比:41.59%





  • 臧斌宇
  • 陈榕
  • 陈海波
  • 牛德姣
  • 蔡涛
  • 周绮丽
  • 希勒尔·阿维尼
  • 李雷
  • 阿哈龙·埃威佐
  • 魏星达
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • Rahamatou Madeleine Garba; Daddy Gaoh Nassira; Salamatou Guédé; Hamidou Soumana Diaouga; Nafiou Idi; Maina Oumara; Madi Nayama
    • 摘要: Introduction: Menopause is poorly documented in Africa. For most of the women living there, the experience of this period does not seem to be very problematic. For women living in rural areas, other concerns are more prominent. Methods: The study was prospective, quantitative and qualitative about 500 cases collected over a period of 6 months. The study involved postmenopausal women in the Niamey region of public services, in certain residential areas, or accompanying people in health structures. Parameters taken into account were sociocultural, antecedents, experience, knowledge, and management of menopause. The data was entered and analyzed using Microsoft Office Word 2010 and Microsoft Office Excel 2010 software. Results: The average age was 56.4 years with extremes of 40 and 80 years;57% were still living with their husbands and 39% widows;60.2% housewives;53% uneducated, 17% have higher education;60.2% had had at least 6 children and 39.6% had used contraception. The comorbidities observed were arterial hypertension (24.4%) and diabetes (7%). As for the representation that women made of menopause, for all of them, this stage is the beginning of old age. The most frequent signs were asthenia (86.2%) and mood disorders (70.6%). Almost all of the patients (99.8%) had not used hormonal treatment for the menopause and among them 27% the management of the menopause was with traditional means. Conclusion: Menopausal disorders are certainly a reality in our socio-cultural context. They are not a primary concern either through ignorance or resignation of the women concerned.
    • Zirije Hasani; Samedin Krrabaj
    • 摘要: Real-time anomaly detection of massive data streams is an important research topic nowadays due to the fact that a lot of data is generated in continuous temporal processes. There is a broad research area, covering mathematical, statistical, information theory methodologies for anomaly detection. It addresses various problems in a lot of domains such as health, education, finance, government, etc. In this paper, we analyze the state-of-the-art of data streams anomaly detection techniques and algorithms for anomaly detection in data streams (time series data). Critically surveying the techniques’ performances under the challenge of real-time anomaly detection of massive high-velocity streams, we conclude that the modeling of the normal behavior of the stream is a suitable approach. We evaluate Holt-Winters (HW), Taylor’s Double Holt-Winters (TDHW), Hierarchical temporal memory (HTM), Moving Average (MA), Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) forecasting models, etc. Holt-Winters (HW) and Taylor’s Double Holt-Winters (TDHW) forecasting models are used to predict the normal behavior of the periodic streams, and to detect anomalies when the deviations of observed and predicted values exceeded some predefined measures. In this work, we propose an enhancement of this approach and give a short description about the algorithms and then they are categorized by type of pre-diction as: predictive and non-predictive algorithms. We implement the Genetic Algorithm (GA) to periodically optimize HW and TDHW smoothing parameters in addition to the two sliding windows parameters that improve Hyndman’s MASE measure of deviation, and value of the threshold parameter that defines no anomaly confidence interval [1]. We also propose a new optimization function based on the input training datasets with the annotated anomaly intervals, in order to detect the right anomalies and minimize the number of false ones. The proposed method is evaluated on the known anomaly detection benchmarks NUMENTA and Yahoo datasets with annotated anomalies and real log data generated by the National education information system (NEIS)1 in Macedonia.
    • 摘要: 软件版本:5.0.1软件大小:8.3MB软件性质:免费软件适用平台:Android下载地址:httP://shouji.baidu.com/software/23165969.
    • 摘要: 软件版本:3.1.6软件大小:34.8MB软件性质:免费软件适用平台:Android下载地址:httP://shouji.baidu.com/software/23154196.
    • 娄珊宁
    • 摘要: 《中国农业百科全书》修订编撰工作领导小组第一次工作会议在北京召开。http://www.moa.gov.cn/zwllm/zwdt/201708/t20170802—5766743.
    • 摘要: 以街头风格为特色的耐克Flyknit Chukka最初创建于2013年,是HTM系列的一部分——HTM系列是由耐克首席执行官马克·帕克、耐克传奇设计师廷克·哈特菲尔德和时尚教父藤原浩共同参与的一个持续性合作项目。
    • 摘要: HTM代表着fragment design创始人藤原浩、耐克创意概念副总裁汀克·哈特菲尔德以及耐克公司总裁兼首席执行官马克·帕克。由这三个人名字首字母组合成了HTM缩写,而HTM也在不断探索耐克设计的全新概念,经常使用当下最前沿的科技并为未来的应用埋下伏笔。
    • 罗丽冬; 王永芳; 王宇兵; 石亚文; 张兆杨
    • 摘要: 虽然自适应采样值补偿(SAO)滤波器能有效提高视频的主客观质量,但是SAO编码参数存在大量冗余,导致其不能适用于低比特率环境.因此,提出了一种基于时域相关性的自适应采样值补偿算法.通过率失真代价来选择当前帧是否复用最近已编码帧的SAO编码参数,并为每一帧设置一个标志位来标识是否复用.实验结果表明,与HTM原始SAO滤波器算法相比,该算法在主观质量和复杂度基本不变的情况下,3个视频分量的BD-rate平均分别减少1.06%、1.10%和0.99%.因此,所提出的算法能很好地改善SAO的性能.
    • 皮灿军
    • 摘要: XML是一种标记语言,它的标记可以由用户根据需要来定义自己的标签和自己的文档结构,这样就形成了用户自己独有的标记语言,因此,同样的数据能根据不同用户的需求以不同的效果、不同的形式表现出来,正是利用XML的这一特性,基于XML技术的学科知识表示,使它更便于教师进行加工,形成个性化的学习环境.
    • 刘曦恺
    • 摘要: HTML诞生到现在已经有几十年的历史,网页经历从简单到复杂的过程。在发展过程中,HTML语言和网页设计都在随着时代不断更新,但是不论如何更新,它都是围绕着可用性的原则变化的。可用性的宗旨是服务于用户,以前还出现过可用性和网页视觉设计的理念相冲突。文章主要针对HTML网页发展的可用性进行探析。
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