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生态移民工程的相关文献在2000年到2021年内共计172篇,主要集中在农业经济、中国政治、世界各国经济概况、经济史、经济地理 等领域,其中期刊论文171篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献303711篇;相关期刊80种,包括理论与当代、当代贵州、国土绿化等; 相关会议1种,包括第14次全国建筑技术学科学术研讨会会议等;生态移民工程的相关文献由118位作者贡献,包括陶克图、徐树雄、李靖等。



论文:171 占比:0.06%


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论文:303711 占比:99.94%





  • 陶克图
  • 徐树雄
  • 李靖
  • 赵小平
  • 唐福敬
  • 姚忠禄
  • 孙瑞灼
  • 曾钰诚
  • 李君杰
  • 李旭
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 摘要: 古浪县曾是六盘山集中连片特困地区甘肃58个贫困县之一,全省深度贫困县。新一轮扶贫开发以来,古浪县认真贯彻党中央“易地搬迁脱贫一批”战略部署,实施黄花滩生态移民工程,建成绿洲小城镇和12个移民新村,搬迁1.53万户6.24万人、走出了一条高深山区贫困群众易地搬迁脱贫致富和祁连山生态环境保护双赢的扶贫开发新路子,提前一年实现脱贫摘帽。
    • 杨旭民
    • 摘要: 改革开放四十年来,我国贫困人口数量从1978年末的7.7亿人,下降到2017年末的3046万人,累计减贫7.4亿人。在这些贫困人口中,有相当一部分生活在中西部不适于人类生存的地区,他们的生活水平得不到提高,生态环境也遭到了极大破坏。为此,自20世纪80年代初开始,中国就开始尝试通过移民扶贫。2001年,中国又启动了生态移民工程。而在国家制定的"十二五"扶贫规划中,“整村推进”和“扶贫移民”两个专项规划,也被纳入国家“十二五”基本建设计划中。
    • 钟水映; 冯英杰
    • 摘要: 生态移民工程是近年来移民和生态环境研究方面的热点问题之一,它是在生态脆弱性地区面临“生态”和“贫困”双重短板下,基于人口、资源环境与经济社会的协调可持续发展原则而形成的一种由政府主导的系统的保护生态和扶贫的专项工程,着重实现生态脆弱性区域脱贫致富和生态保护,而实现生态移民的可持续安置和发展的基本前提是生态移民工程和生态系统可持续发展.通过构建生态移民工程中的生态可持续系统动力学模型,揭示了生境破碎化、生态移民工程和生态福利绩效三个子系统之间的因果关系和动态反馈机制,并以三江源地区生态移民为例对移民前后迁入地和迁出地的生态系统的可持续性进行仿真模拟.对模型进行的结构适合性和行为一致性检验表明,模型真实有效地反映了生态移民工程中生态系统的实际系统结构和功能.最后,通过调整生境破碎度指数、生态移民环境保护投资、生态恢复因子和生态发展因子四个政策变量的取值,从而设定了六种模式以进行生态移民生态可持续发展政策的模拟.政策模拟的结果显示:政策模式1~6反映了生态移民环境保护投资的增加,有助于降低生态移民区域生境破碎指数和提高生态福利绩效;政策模式3~6反映了生态移民环境保护投资应侧重于移民迁入地的生态发展投资,适当降低移民迁出地的生态修复投资比例;政策模式5~6说明了生态移民环境保护投资运作效率,影响生态移民生态系统可持续发展.因此,加大生态移民环境保护投资力度,调整迁出地和迁入地的生态投资比重对于实现生态移民生态系统重建和可持续发展至关重要,在此基础上提高生态投资运作效率是促进生态移民工程与生态系统可持续协调发展的最佳政策模式.
    • 胡小明
    • 摘要: 贵州省扶贫生态移民工程是一项惠民工程,《荔波县瑶山扶贫生态移民规划》在此项工程中起了先导的作用,促进了瑶山瑶族乡社会力的进步与经济的发展.
    • 胡业翠; 郑方钰; 徐爽
    • 摘要: 生态移民是新形势下中国扶贫开发的重要战略举措,研究采用参与性农户评估方法,以广西环江县30个典型移民安置屯为例,开展生态移民背景下移民迁入区人地关系研究,将调查农户划分为迁入农户和原驻地农户,通过对比2组农户的现有耕地面积、经济收入以及对移民政策和环境变化的响应等问题,探讨移民迁入区的移民效应和可持续性.研究表明:生态移民工程受到农户的普遍认可与支持,迁入农户占有的耕地资源质量和经济收入较搬迁前有大幅度提高,土地利用与农业种植业结构进一步优化.但仍需关注迁入区移民较原驻民耕地占有量和经济发展速度偏低、迁入区人口增加对土地资源和生态环境可持续利用造成的冲击等问题.%Resettlement is a systematic and comprehensive program that addresses not only poverty alleviation, but also environmental degradation and human-environment relationships. The implementation of China's resettlement program has not only profoundly impacted ecological regeneration in out-migration regions, but ecological and economic conditions in in-migration regions. The success or failure of resettlement policies in relieving the tensions between people and land is bound to affect the localized progress of such national strategy. To assess the effects of the resettlement program, 4 evaluation elements directly articulated around the objectives of the resettlement program were distinguished, namely human, resources, economy and natural environment. The following questions were answered: Whether the program achieved what it intended to accomplish; whether the incomes of migrants and areas of land resources owned by migrants increased; whether the ecological environment in immigration regions had been deteriorated; whether the farmers were satisfied with the outcome of the program;whether there were differences between migrants and natives in terms of land resource areas, income levels, sources of income, and responses to environmental policy. From this perspective, this study assessed the migration effect in the in-migration areas and the sustainability. Applying participatory rural appraisal (PRA) method to a comprehensive evaluation framework, we surveyed migrant and native households in 30 in-migration villages in Karst areas of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, to compare their cultivated land, incomes, and attitudes to migrant policies and cognition to eco-environment change. The results indicated that the program had already made progress in harmonizing human-earth relationship, increasing the income of immigrants, improving comprehensive capacity of natural disaster resistance and effectively guaranteeing the implementations of reforestation policy. However, some issues were also found through this study, such as the large differences in area of land resources between the immigrants and the natives; the slower development of immigrants' economy compared with the natives; the environmental conditions impacted by a large number of immigrants; and land-use sustainability issue resulting from ecologically unsound farming practices. Studies suggest that not only should we pay attention to the environmental benefits, but also should pay attention to the balance between efficiency and equity issues. From the results of our investigation and analysis, it is apparent that there are a number of questions that are worth considering and resolving. In the future, government needs to be more empathetic toward the vital interests of farmers. Priority activities should include: Enhancing the evaluation on the carrying capacity of resources and environment in resettlement regions; acceleration of corresponding system construction and making systematic arrangements at operational level, such as the land allocation system and industrial policy support; and designing an appropriate environment and development model from the perspectives of scientific rationality, humanism, and the national culture to effectively meet ecological requirements and the economic interests of farmers. This will bring about the early realization of a resource-saving and environment-friendly industrial structure, and of a sustainable mode of economic growth. Results will provide evidence-based reference not only for China's poverty alleviation policy but also for ecological migration practice in other parts of the world.
    • 曾钰诚; 杨帆
    • 摘要: 贵州黔东南瑶山瑶族乡的生态移民工程,本质上是人本关怀与绿色循环发展的双重体现.但是,生态移民目标的机械性与政策性,使瑶山瑶族乡多样性传统文化面临流失风险.文章从事物的“聚合”与“分化”两个方面着手,通过观察瑶山瑶族乡生态移民工程实施的演进及成效,从而思考现象背后潜藏的传统文化“分化”危机以及由该危机所引发的搬迁移民基本权利的对立现象.只有采取重新缝补弥合家族血缘之间的代际联系、重新构筑紧密丰富的集体文化生活、重视新型产业的培育与扶持、充分听取搬迁移民意见、保障其基本权利等措施,方能使危机得到稀释与化解.
    • 李旭
    • 摘要: 同心县地处宁夏中部干旱带核心区,是国家六盘山集中连片特困地区县之一。全县辖7镇4乡1个管委会154个行政村,总人口39.8万,其中农业人口30.2万人,回族人口34.1万人,革命老区、民族地区、贫困地区"三区叠加"特征十分明显。多年来,人多、地贫、缺水是制约同心县经济社会发展的主要原因。同心县委、县政府以生态移民工程为突破,以发展富民强县产业为抓手,以实现贫困群众"三不愁、四保障"、
    • 钟春云
    • 摘要: "提前两年脱贫",是一场与贫困赛跑的攻坚战,更是一场与时间赛跑的攻坚战。这一目标,对于身处贫困大石山区的环江毛南族自治县来说,担子尤为繁重,但是决心异常坚定:2016年,全县农村贫困人口要减少2.5万人,25个贫困村要实现脱贫摘帽,60个"整村推进"贫困村农民人均纯收入要达到6000元以上;2018年60个贫困村6.66万贫困人口如期脱贫!
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