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Center的相关文献在1983年到2022年内共计1005篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、无线电电子学、电信技术、经济计划与管理 等领域,其中期刊论文1000篇、专利文献5篇;相关期刊575种,包括家畜生态学报、电子与电脑、通讯世界等; Center的相关文献由756位作者贡献,包括张麒赟、林桦、王志军等。



论文:1000 占比:99.50%


论文:5 占比:0.50%





  • 张麒赟
  • 林桦
  • 王志军
  • 黄文梅(摘译)
  • Christian T. Haas
  • Dietmar Schmidtbleicher
  • Marietta Kirchner
  • Patric Schubert
  • 张璐燕
  • 汪国华
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • Naohisa Hirao; Yuichi Akahama; Yasuo Ohishi
    • 摘要: Synchrotron radiation x-ray diffraction investigations of iron(Fe)and nickel(Ni)are conducted at pressures up to 354 and 368 GPa,respectively,and the equations of state(EOSs)at 298 K for the two elements are obtained for data extending to pressures as high as those at the center of the Earth,using the latest Pt-EOS pressure scale.From a least-squares fit to the Vinet equation using the observed pressure–volume data,the isothermal bulk modulus K0 and its pressure derivative K′0 are estimated to be 159.27(99)GPa and 5.86(4)for hcp-Fe,and 173.5(1.4)GPa and 5.55(5)for Ni.By comparing the present EOSs and extrapolated EOSs reported in the literature for Fe and Ni,the volumes of Fe and Ni at 365 GPa are found to be 2.3%and 1.5%larger than those estimated from extrapolated EOSs in previous studies,respectively.It is concluded that these discrepancies are due to the pressure scale.The present results suggest that the densities of Fe and Ni at a pressure of 365 GPa corresponding to the center of the Earth are 2.3%and 1.5%,respectively,lower than previously thought.
    • 刘金城(译)
    • 摘要: 经过大量建设工作,从2022年2月起,位于德国亚琛的Access TechCenter公司的一座新的低压铸造厂开始运营。随着这家新的低压铸造厂的建成,Access正在扩大其可低压铸造的合金系列。A205铝合金低压铸造这项从上奥地利(Upper Austrian)机器制造商FILL公司收购低压铸造系统的缘由来自一家航空航天原始设备制造商的询问。这成就了航空航天供应商Howmet Tital、机器制造商FILL和研究公司Access的合作。
    • 薄鹏; 王春海
    • 摘要: 在VMware产品家族中,使用较多的是VMware v Sphere系列和VMware Horizon系列。VMware v Sphere系列是服务器虚拟化产品,主要包括v Center Server与ESXi两个产品;VMware Horizon则是在服务器虚拟化的基础上实现的虚拟桌面。本文通过两个具体的案例,介绍v Sphere与Horizon的升级。
    • 彭英
    • 摘要: 1It was commencement at our college.People were pouring into the hall as I entered it.Finding the choice seats in the center of the hall already taken,I pressed forward,look⁃ing to the right and left for a seat.Finally,I found one in the very front row.2Here a little girl moved along to make room for me,looking into my face with large gray eyes.Again and again I found my eyes turning to the rose⁃like face,and each time the gray eyes moved half⁃smiling to meet mine.
    • 摘要: Orion矿业金融集团【OrionMine Finance Group】日前披露,该公司与Premier黄金公司【Premier Gold Mines(TSX:PG)】Centerra黄金公司【Centerra Gold(TSX:CG)】签收一项协议,出资2.25亿美元收购Centerra黄金公司旗下Greenstone Gold金矿50%股份,不过Orion矿业金融集团还需要承担该矿山约7500万美元的债务。目前Premier黄金公司持有Greenstone Gold金矿剩余50%股份。
    • 孙伟敬
    • 摘要: 自1996年“Internet Data Center”概念被提出以来,我国IDC行业从无到有,先后经过PC门户网站、移动互联网、云计算阶段,互联网数据中心(以下简称“数据中心”)特性也随之不断演进,“简单机房+粗糙运营”不复存在,“专业设备+规范运维”的传统数据中心也逐渐无法满足当前需求。
    • 摘要: When am I ever going to use this?I he I.ondon EyeFerris wheel measures 450 feet across.1.Which point appears to be the center of the Ferris wheel?2.Is t he distance fromG to F greater tha n.less l han•or ctjual to the distance from G to J?Acircle is the set of all points in a plane that are the same distance from a given point,called the center.
    • 林锋
    • 摘要: Have you ever been to the Nature Center? Do you know what''s at the Nature Center?Please look at the following story.Emma stared (凝视) sadly out of the window of the bus.Only 50 miles outside town was the farm.She thought about the farm all the time,especially the animals.
    • 麦伟誉; 沈静颖
    • 摘要: 虚拟化安全的3个关键问题虚拟化代表着IT实践的巨大变化。虚拟化的发展经历了有时称为“虚拟化停滞”的过程。这是指许多组织将其服务器总数的25%进行了虚拟化,然后进度停止了。实际上,安全团队并不确定如何在虚拟化环境中应用为物理环境设计的实践,虽然有这样的困惑,但是方向是明确的:安全实践必须更新,以打破虚拟化的僵局。
    • 摘要: C位出道debut in acentral role“C位出道”作为最火最出園的词汇应该如何用英文表述呢?“C位”中的“C”的含义尚无定论,一说“C”指carry,意为“担负团队的责任”;另一种说法是“C”指center,“C位”就是acentralrole,即“中心位”。“出道”这个词可以用debut来表示,这个词源于法语,意为“初次登台”。因此,“C位出道”可以翻译成debut in a central role,你学会了吗?
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