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有效微生物群的相关文献在1995年到2022年内共计176篇,主要集中在畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、农业基础科学、废物处理与综合利用 等领域,其中期刊论文163篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献411224篇;相关期刊128种,包括科技信息、科技致富向导、山西果树等; 相关会议5种,包括第八次全国环境微生物学术研讨会、2003国际农业生物环境与能源工程论坛、第3届全国青年作物栽培、作物生理学术讨论会等;有效微生物群的相关文献由279位作者贡献,包括刘瑞生、张烈、戴俊英等。



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  • 刘瑞生
  • 张烈
  • 戴俊英
  • 邵青
  • 单冬丽
  • 任大明
  • 邓厚群
  • 顾宜晴
  • 刘江
  • 丁秀华
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 欧阳贤华; 陈福艳; 陈丽霞; 黎建斌; 李大列; 梅宁
    • 摘要: 为了探索一种安全、高效的罗非鱼养殖模式,减少病害发生,试验采用定期投喂EM菌的养殖模式,分析其对池塘水质以及罗非鱼的生长性能、血清抗氧化和非特异免疫指标的影响。结果表明,定期投喂EM菌,有助于增加池塘溶解氧(DO),降低氨氮(NH_(4)^(+)-N)和亚硝酸盐氮(NO_(2)^(-)-N)浓度,维持较稳定的pH值;促进罗非鱼生长,提高成活率;提高总抗氧化能力(T-AOC),增强过氧化氢酶(CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和溶菌酶(LZM)的活力,降低丙二醛(MDA)含量。
    • 汤小朋; 陈磊; 熊康宁
    • 摘要: 喀斯特石漠化是一种生态系统退化现象,可导致土壤退化、土地养分锐减、土地生产力低下和水体污染等生态环境问题,严重威胁我国喀斯特地区生态环境安全及社会经济发展。以中国西南典型喀斯特地区--贵州喀斯特为例介绍了喀斯特地区农业生产的特点,综述了有效微生物菌群(effective microorganisms,EM)在非常规饲料资源开发、畜牧业、水产养殖及种植业中的应用,并展望了EM在喀斯特地区农业生产中的应用前景,旨在为贵州喀斯特地区生态农业的可持续发展提供一些参考。
    • 韦克苏; 胡婷婷; 李德仑; 涂永高; 于良骥; 涂光军
    • 摘要: 为研究有效微生物群( effective microorganisms ,EM )和土壤改良剂混施在烤烟生产上的效果,采用田间随机区组试验调查了混施EM菌和土壤改良剂对烤烟大田期农艺性状及烟叶产量和质量的影响.结果表明:混施EM菌和土壤改良剂可促进烟株田间长势,在烤烟成熟期表现尤为明显;在常规地膜移栽和井窖式移栽模式下,混施EM菌和土壤改良剂可提高烟叶产量并优化其等级结构,其中,产量分别达到1909.31 kg/hm2和2134.91 kg/hm2,较对照分别提高5.21%和7.13%,产值分别达到29460.69元/hm2和35162.05元/hm2,除去EM 菌和土壤改良剂施用成本后,产值较对照分别提高3.84%和8.72%;在化学成分方面,混施EM菌和土壤改良剂可提高初烤烟叶烟碱、钾和氯含量,降低总糖含量、施木克值和糖碱比,提高两糖比(还原糖/总糖),降低两糖差值;混施EM菌和土壤改良剂可提高烟叶评吸质量,评吸总得分分别提高2.30和2.67.综上所述,混施 EM 菌和土壤改良剂在优化烟叶等级结构、提高烟叶产质量上具有实用价值.%Summary Flue‐cured tobacco is a major cash crop in China . Due to the scarcity of land resources , continuous cropping of tobacco was very common all over the country . However , the continuous cropping phenomenon would lead to change of soil properties and nutrient imbalance , seriously affecting yield and economic merits of tobacco . Therefore , it was quite necessary to optimize the soil microbial environment and promote the effective absorption and utilization of fertilizers , to improve the yield and quality of flue‐cured tobacco . It has been reported that soil amendments could improve the physical and chemical properties of soil , as well as the nutrient status , which could also regulate pH and organic matter of soil to increase the availability of N , P and K contents . In a word , soil amendments were effective to promote the productivity of degraded soils . Microbial fertilizer could improve the micro‐environment of plant rhizosphere , by increasing the diversity of microbial species and improving grow th and nutrient absorption capacity of root . n There have been many reports about the effect of microbial fertilizer or soil amendment application on growth and development of crops , but the mixed application effect of microbial fertilizer and soil amendments was rarely mentioned . In this study , the combining effects of effective microorganisms ( EM ) and soil amendments on agronomic characteristic and quality of flue‐cured tobacco were investigated . n A field trial designed as randomized block was carried out to reveal the effects of EM and soil amendment treatments ( T1 :conventional film transplanting ;T2 :conventional film transplanting + EM + soil amendments ;T3 :well cellar type transplanting ;T4 :well cellar type transplanting + EM + soil amendments) on leaves , root and stem development of flue‐cured tobacco during the growth period . Meanwhile , the effects of different treatments on yield and quality of flue‐cured tobacco were discussed . n The results showed that the mixed application of EM and soil amendments promoted the growth of tobacco plant , especially at the maturity stage . Simultaneously , the mixed application of EM and soil amendments also improved the yield and quality of tobacco leaves , and optimized the grade of tobacco leaves . The yields of T2 and T4 treatments were 1 909 .31 kg/hm2 and 2 134 .91 kg/hm2 , which were higher than those of T1 and T3 by 5 .21%and 7 .13% , respectively . The output values of T2 and T4 were 29 460 .69 Chinese Yuan/hm2 and 35 162 .05 Chinese Yuan/hm2 , higher than those of corresponding controls ( T1 and T3 ) by 3 .84% and 8 .72% , respectively . For chemical composition , the mixed application of EM and soil amendments increased the contents of nicotine , potassium and chlorine , but decreased the content of total sugar in flue‐cured tobacco leaves . Furthermore , the mixed application of EM and soil amendments reduced the Schmuck value and the ratio of total sugar to nicotine , increased the ratio of reducing sugar to total sugar . The treatments with EM and soil amendments enhanced the sensory quality of flue‐cured tobacco leaves , and the total scores of T2 and T4 increased 2 .30 and 2 .67 , respectively , compared with the corresponding controls ( T1 and T3 ) . n In a word , the mixed application of EM and soil amendments shows practical value not only in improving the grade of the flue‐cured tobacco leaves , but also improving their yields and quality .
    • 王金旺; 夏海涛; 卢翔; 陈秋夏
    • 摘要: 以楠木、无患子和醉香含笑1年生容器苗为参试材料,采用叶面追施、基质追施及叶面结合基质追施的方式,研究有效微生物群(EM)500倍稀释液施用对其生长的影响。结果表明:7月底至8月底为苗高快速增长期,9月上旬为无患子地径快速增长期,9月中旬为楠木和醉香含笑地径快速增长期,EM的施用对3种参试植物苗高和地径的生长具有一定调节作用。与对照相比,苗高快速生长期之前,R_EM和(L +R)_EM处理中醉香含笑、楠木及无患子日均高生长分别增加13.3%、3.9%、24.8%和21.7%、25.6%、33.1%;高生长快速增长期间,R_EM和(L +R)_EM处理中受试容器苗日均高生长增加1.1%~8.8%。叶面施用 EM未改变参试植物地径快速增长期的时间,基质施用 EM促进了楠木和醉香含笑提早进入地径快速增长期,但对无患子无明显影响;基质施用EM对降低参试植物高径比(HDR)有一定促进作用,出圃时,(L +R)_EM处理中醉香含笑、楠木和无患子 HDR 比对照降低7.00%、4.20%和5.60%。EM的施用促进了容器苗根系的生长,L_EM、R_EM和(L +R)_EM处理中根系体积比对照分别增加了16.04%、40.74%和80.74%,侧根体积分别增加了24.90%、51.36%和100.03%,根系鲜质量分别增加了20.00%、35.80%和75.99%,根系干质量分别增加了6.19%、28.45%和66.19%,根茎比分别增加了13.85%、21.91%和39.40%。%An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of effective microorganisms (EM)solution di-luted 500 times on the growth of 1-year-old container seedlings of three tree species,Phoebe zhennan,Sapindus mukorossi and Michelia macclurei.Treatments included control (CK),foliar topdressing (L_EM),substrate top-dressing (R_EM),combination foliar and substrate topdressing (L +R)_EM.The end of July to end of August, the fast growth in seedling height was observed.With respect to rapid growth in ground diameter,early September was for S.mukorossi and mid-September was for both P.zhennan and M.macclurei.Application of EMcould regu-late the growth both plant height and ground diameter compared with CK.Before the rapid growth period in plant height,the average height growth rate of M.macclurei,P.zhennan and S.mukorossi respectively increased by 13.3%,3.9% and 24.8% in the R_EMtreatment,and respectively increased by 21.7%,25.6% and 33.1% in the (L +R)_EMcompared to CK.During the rapid growth period,the average height growth rate of the three spe-cies was increased by 1.1% -8.8% in R_EMand (L +R)_EM compared to CK.The period of rapid growth in ground diameter was not affected by L_EMfor the three species,whereas the process was in advance in R_EMfor P.zhennan and M.macclurei except,S.mukorossi.The ratio of height to diameter (HDR)decreased in R_EM and (R +L)_EMcompared to CK.At the end of experiment,HDR of M.macclurei,P.zhennan and S.mukorossi decreased by 7.00%,4.20% and 5.60%,respectively in (L +R)_EM.Application of EM could promote root growth of all species.Compared with the control,the increases of the parameters of roots such as root volume and root weight were observed in L_EM,R_EMand (L +R)_EM:root volume increased by 16.04%,40.74% and 80.74%.The volume of lateral roots was increased by 24.90%,51.36% and 100.03%,respectively.Root fresh weight was increased by 20.00%,35.80% and 75.99%,respectively.Root dry weight was increased by 6.19%, 28.45% and 66.19%.In addition,the dry weight ratio of root to stem in L_EM,R_EMand (L +R)_EM com-pared to CK was increased by 13.85%,21.91% and 39.40%,respectively.As a result,it was significance for improving the quality of 1-year-old container seedlings using EMsolution diluted 500 times to substrate topdressing.
    • 董小英; 唐胜球; 马元元
    • 摘要: 有效微生物群(Effective Microorganisms,EM)包含好氧与厌氧(兼性)菌在内的多种有益微生物,是一种有益复合菌制剂,具有促进生长、提高免疫力、改善肠道健康、清除粪尿恶臭及改善生态环境等生物学功能,已在养猪业得到了较为广泛的应用.本文主要就EM在养猪业中的功能研究成果进行概述,以期为EM的进一步研究和推广提供科学参考.
    • 单冬丽
    • 摘要: 有效微生物群(Effective Microorganisms,简写EM)是由日本琉球大学比嘉照夫教授研制成功的一种多功能菌群,具有促进猪只生长,提高抗病能力,清除粪尿恶臭,改善生态环境等作用,因此引起了养猪界同行的关注和重视,研究报道较多,概述如下。
    • 熊忙利; 张兆顺
    • 摘要: 本研究通过测量EM发酵组和对照组pH值变化、EM发酵饲料的温度与环境温度差异和第8天发酵饲料中粗蛋白粗纤维变化.旨在说明有效微生物群(EM)发酵稻壳的优点.实验表明:实验末期(6~8 d)时,EM发酵稻壳的温度基本恒定在40°C-45°C之间;实验组pH下降到4.5以下,对照组pH在5.0以上;实验组比对照组粗蛋白提高了2.21%,差异显著(P<0.05)、实验组比对照组粗纤维降低了8.60%,差异显著(P<0.05).
    • 林嵩
    • 摘要: 总结有关EM(有效微生物群)制剂在畜禽养殖、作物种植、水产养殖和改善环境等方面的应用试验和生产实践,阐述其在农业清洁生产、环保治污、提高农产品产量和品质、促进畜禽生长发育、农业废弃物资源化无害化处理、农业生态环境保护和修复等方面的作用.
    • 单冬丽
    • 摘要: EM是英文effective microorganisms(有效微生物群)的缩写,20世纪80年代初期由日本硫球大学比嘉照夫教授研制成功的一种多功能复合菌群,多年来国内外研究表明,EM在促进畜禽生长,提高抗病能力,清除粪尿恶臭,改善生态环境等方面具有显著作用,已经在全球90多个国家和地区广泛应用,取得良好效果。EM在养牛业上的研究与应用情况,引起了养牛界人们的普遍关注和重视。
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