您现在的位置: 首页> 研究主题> PIT


PIT的相关文献在1992年到2022年内共计147篇,主要集中在建筑科学、肿瘤学、自动化技术、计算机技术 等领域,其中期刊论文102篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献42篇;相关期刊87种,包括地学前缘、工程质量、石油仪器等; 相关会议3种,包括2008年工程质量检测与监测技术研讨会、2006年全国基桩、无损检测及岩土工程新技术研讨会、全国玻璃缺陷研讨会等;PIT的相关文献由320位作者贡献,包括余华清、吕昊、曾庆栋等。



论文:102 占比:69.39%


论文:3 占比:2.04%


论文:42 占比:28.57%





  • 余华清
  • 吕昊
  • 曾庆栋
  • 杜君
  • 熊良斌
  • 王波云
  • 张正光
  • 王源超
  • 董妍涵
  • 董林
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 摘要: PIToe控制元件——功能全面的紧凑型控制和信号装置可用于操作设备,使用户能够切换和显示数字量输入和输出,例如可以选择和显示操作模式。根据EN 6094751标准,该控制元件用于直径为22.5 mm的安装切口,外加防扭转单元。因此,其可以无缝适配用户的设备和机器设计,非常适合安装或改装到控制台、控制面板或命令面板中。
    • 摘要: PITgatebox按钮单元,顾名思义,可以理解为是由各种不同的按钮、开关和急停按钮组合而成的操作单元,为了简化使用普通按钮盒时的安装和接线,皮尔磁提供多种已完成预配置的版本,用户可以根据实际的需求选择相应的配置,轻松灵活地控制安全门开关及系统。
    • 摘要: 智能手机发展至今,虽然在使用体验上越来越出色,但是续航能力还是没有重大突破,甚至在全面屏时代,用电变得更快了。所以很多时候,我们在外出情况时都会选择备上一款充电宝。然而手机数据线接口繁杂,加上充电宝的数据线,容易纠缠在一起从而显得背包凌乱不堪,实在是让人不胜其扰。好在如今不少配件厂商推出了支持无线充电的充电宝,今天笔者要为大家介绍的PITAKA磁吸无线充电宝套装就是其中的一员。
    • Peter J. Lim; Ali R. Tayyeb
    • 摘要: A serious concern among post-9/11 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans (IAV) are health conditions from military and environmental exposure while serving. Many veterans are becoming suddenly ill and experiencing symptoms that have been associated with exposure to burning trash or “burn pits” set up to destroy waste produced by the military. IAVs are exhibiting respiratory conditions and other numerous health issues from exposure to burn pits during deployments. From the US military operations to the Middle East, 70% of the military personnel reported respiratory illnesses, with 17% experiencing symptoms serious enough to require medical care. Despite growing concerns, little research has been conducted on the health conditions of returning veterans. Many veterans have difficulty gaining appropriate access to care, unable to travel long distances to Veterans health facility, or have to deal with long wait times to see a provider. As a result, many veterans utilize civilian emergency rooms and healthcare facilities. Most healthcare facilities are not familiar with military-related health conditions. To address and prevent delays in care, it is helpful to have a veteran-specific screener questionnaire at the point of healthcare access. Getting a better understanding of the background and history of veterans can aid in accurately triaging this community and lead to better health care outcomes. Collecting and maintaining data regarding health issues that can arise from burn pit exposures can help direct the care of this specific community of veterans. In seeking to improve the understanding of IAV health issues from exposure to burn pits, the aim of this article is to help educate and raise awareness, and assist health care professionals to better triage and direct the care or resources necessary to help this underserved and at-risk community of our veterans.
    • Connor P. Newman; Tyler Cluff; Thomas Gray; Geoff Beale
    • 摘要: Predictive geochemical and limnologic modeling of pit lakes is an important aspect of modern mine-site permitting. One of the key assumptions of many predictive pit-lake models is that open-pit high walls and in-pit backfill become geochemically unreactive once submerged by the filling pit lake. Existing pit lakes provide useful data to test this assumption. The Sleeper pit lake (northwestern Nevada, USA) is approaching hydrologic equilibrium and contains good-quality water that generally meets regulatory requirements for pit lakes. Despite the overall stable geochemical composition, seasonal trends in the hypolimnion indicate the generation of dissolved metals associated with the ore deposit (e.g., Mn and Zn) and cyclical variations in pH. This study applies mass balance, analysis of subaqueous pyrite oxidation, and trends in solute concentrations to evaluate the potential causes of long-term solute generation in the hypolimnion of the Sleeper pit lake. Three separate conceptual models (subaqueous pyrite oxidation;redox reactions;and diffusion of solutes from a permanently stratified bottom layer) were tested against the high-quality dataset available for the pit lake. Evaluation of the monitoring dataset for the pit lake indicates that the Sleeper pit lake has variable limnologic behavior, wherein the lake is consistently stratified (meromictic) in some years, while it undergoes full mixing (holomixis) in other time periods. Comparison of the data with the three conceptual models illustrates that none of these models can be completely implicated as causing the seasonal geochemical variations in the bottom of the pit lake, but that a combination of the processes is likely partially responsible. Additional data collection including sediment cores and in-situ pore-water analysis would aid in understanding geochemical processes occurring over time.
    • 陈国柱; 王猛; 王海胜; 鲍江辉; 罗思; 马卫忠; 乔晔
    • 摘要: 采用视频监测装置记录了枕头坝一级水电站鱼道2017年4月~7月鱼道内的鱼类种类、数量及体长,并分析了其时间节律以及鱼道出口水位对过鱼效果的影响;还在2017年8月采用PIT标记跟踪的方式对鱼道的通过性进行了评估.鱼道视频监测共观察到鱼类407尾,共计20种.鱼道内鱼类上溯呈现明显的时间节律.鱼道的过鱼数量与鱼道内水位密切相关,出口水深为1.5 ~2.0 m时,过鱼效果最佳.PIT标记试验结果显示,标记鱼类齐口裂腹鱼、重口裂腹鱼等可顺利通过鱼道.该鱼道可为多种鱼类提供上溯通道,具备一定的过鱼功能.
    • 摘要: 机床安全行业总体机床是先进制造技术的载体和装备工业的基本生产手段,是装备制造业的基础设备,主要为汽车、军工、农机、工程机械、电力设备、铁路机车、船舶等行业服务。我国已连续几年成为世界最大的机床消费国和机床进口国,是世界第三大机床生产国。由于机床行业对国防军工和制造业竞争力的关键作用,我国政府已将机床行业提高到了战略性位置,把发展大型、精密、高速数控设备和功能部件列为国家重要的振兴目标之一。
    • Tsedendorj Amarsaikhan; Hideki Shimada; Sugeng Wahyudi; Takashi Sasaoka; Akihiro Hamanaka
    • 摘要: In next two years, the current waste dump of Narynsukhait coal mine is predicted insufficient to accommodate the overburden as limited of the waste dump capacity. Thus, redesigning waste dump is paramount to increase capacity of the dump in future. This paper describes current condition of waste dump of Narynsukhait coal mine and then discusses the optimization of waste dump geometry by analyzing the effect of different waste dump’s bench configuration on slope performance. Optimization of the geometry is carried out by investigating and comparing the performance of geometrical combinations of bench height, bench angles and number of safety berm by means of numerical modeling. The model shows that increasing height of bench is able to induce shear stress in the bench and may initiate bench instable. However, the shear stress can be limited by having safety berm and/or reducing bench angle to satisfy the stability criteria.
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