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Design of interleaved multilayer rosen type piezoelectric transformer for high voltage dc/dc applications




Research and development within piezoelectric transformer (PT) based converters are rapidly increasing as the technology is maturing and starts to prove its capabilities. Especially for high voltage and high step-up applications, PT based converters have demonstrated good performance and DC/AC converters are widely used commercially. The availability of PT based converters for DC/DC applications are very limited and are not that developed yet. I this paper an interleaved multi layer Rosen-type PT for high step-up and high output voltage is developed, for driving a 2.5kV dielectric electro active polymer actuator [17]. The targeted application utilises an inductor-less half-bridge driving topology, where the reward of eliminating the series inductor is a reduction in component count, size and price. The absence of a series inductance calls for other means to avoid large hard switching losses and obtain soft switching capabilities. This can be achieved by utilising an advantageous PT structure, which is the main advantage of the interleaved Rosen-type PT. Furthermore the design should be further optimised, in order to achieve soft switching capability. The goal of this paper is to develop a soft switching optimised PT, capable of generating output voltages higher than 2kV from a 24V supply voltage. Furthermore finite element method (FEM) has been the main tool through the PT development.
机译:随着技术的日趋成熟并开始证明其功能,基于压电变压器(PT)的转换器的研究与开发正在迅速增加。特别是对于高压和高升压应用,基于PT的转换器已表现出良好的性能,并且DC / AC转换器已在商业上得到广泛使用。用于DC / DC应用的基于PT的转换器的可用性非常有限,并且尚未开发。我开发了一种用于高升压和高输出电压的交错多层Rosen型PT,用于驱动2.5kV介电电活性聚合物致动器[17]。目标应用利用了无电感器的半桥驱动拓扑,其中消除了串联电感器的好处是减少了元件数量,尺寸和价格。缺少串联电感需要其他方法来避免较大的硬开关损耗并获得软开关能力。这可以通过利用有利的PT结构来实现,这是交错的Rosen型PT的主要优点。此外,应进一步优化设计,以实现软交换功能。本文的目的是开发一种优化软开关的PT,它能够从24V电源电压产生高于2kV的输出电压。此外,有限元方法(FEM)已成为PT开发的主要工具。



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