首页> 外文OA文献 >Dormancy and Revitalization: The fate of ethnobotanical knowledge of camel forage among Sahrawi nomads and refugees of Western Sahara

Dormancy and Revitalization: The fate of ethnobotanical knowledge of camel forage among Sahrawi nomads and refugees of Western Sahara




Knowledge about forage is fundamental to the survival of pastoral populations around the world. In this paper, we address the knowledge of camel forage of Sahrawi nomads and refugees of Western Sahara. We analyze the distribution of this knowledge through cultural consensus analysis and develop an explanation for intra-cultural variation based on changing processes of knowledge transmission. In total, 100 plant species were free-listed by informants, with five species (i.e., Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) Hayne, Nucularia perrinii Batt., Astragalus vogelii (Webb) Bornm., Panicum turgidum Forssk., and Stipagrostis plumosa Munro ex T.Anderson) found to be culturally highly salient. These five represent five local categories of forage that are necessary for camel management in the Western Sahara desert. The Sahrawi listed 25 forage plants that influence the taste and properties of camel milk, demonstrating that cultural values, as much as survival functions, underpin local knowledge systems. Perhaps unsurprisingly, age and nomadic experience are positively correlated with forage knowledge. Forced displacement and sedentarization are hypothesized as causes of progressive non-use of this knowledge and the lack of its transmission to younger generations of refugees. Nonetheless, across the study area, refugees are re-engaging with pastoralism and nomadism, which is leading to a revitalization of forage knowledge and its transmission. This should be regarded as an adaptation pathway for refugees.
机译:有关牧草的知识对于全世界牧民的生存至关重要。在本文中,我们将介绍撒哈拉游牧民族和西撒哈拉难民的骆驼觅食知识。我们通过文化共识分析来分析这种知识的分布,并根据不断变化的知识传播过程为文化内变异提供解释。总共有100种植物被举报人自由列出,其中有5种(即:相思树(Forssk。)海恩,Nucularia perrinii Batt。,黄芪(Webb)Bornm。,Panicum turgidum Forssk。和Stipagrostis plumosa Munro ex) T.安德森(T.Anderson)在文化上非常突出。这五个代表了西撒哈拉沙漠中骆驼管理所必需的五种当地草料。萨哈拉维(Sahrawi)列出了25种影响骆驼奶的味道和特性的饲草植物,这表明文化价值以及生存功能是当地知识体系的基础。毫不奇怪,年龄和游牧经历与饲草知识成正相关。据推测,强迫流离失所和久坐不动是导致人们逐渐不使用这种知识的原因,也是缺乏将其传播给年轻一代难民的原因。但是,在整个研究区,难民重新参与了畜牧和游牧活动,这正在振兴牧草知识及其传播。这应被视为难民的适应途径。



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