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Produção de progesterona em novilhas Holandesas superovuladas e receptoras de embrião mestiças suplementadas com betacaroteno e tocoferol




Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of the intramuscular injection of betacarotene associated to tocopherol on the plasma concentration progesterone of superovulated Holstein heifers (experiment 1) and in crossbred (Bos taurus x Bos indicus) heifers submitted to fixed-time embryo transfer (FTET, experiment 2). In experiment 1, after estrus synchronization and superovulation animals were inseminated 12 and 24 hours after estrus onset and embryos flushed 7 days later. Heifers were allocated randomly to one of three treatments: Control; T800 (800 mg of betacarotene plus 500 mg of tocopherol) and T1200 (1,200 mg of betacarotene plus 750 mg of tocopherol). The treatments were given on the day of ear implant placement and repeated on the first day of superovulation. Blood samples were collected on D0, D5, D9, D12 and D16. In experiment 2, treatments were imposed at intravaginal device insertion (D0). The same experimental design, as in experiment 1, was used. Blood samples were collected on D17 (embryos implanted) for progesterone determination by radioimmunoassay. In experiment 1, average plasma progesterone concentrations after corpora lutea formation (D12 plus D16 means) were 13.7±1.8 ng/ml, 14.5±2.3 ng/ml and 10.8±2.3 ng/ml for control, T800 and T1200, respectively, and did not differ (P=0.44). In experiment 2, progesterone concentrations on D17 in Control (8.88±0.57 ng/ml), T800 (7.48±0.64 ng/ml) and T1200 (5.90±1.33 ng/ml) groups were similar (P=0.11). Results indicate that the supplemental betacarotene and tocopherol injections did not influence peripheral progesterone concentrations in superovulated Holstein donors and crossbreed recipients heifers.
机译:进行了两个实验,以评估肌内注射生育酚相关的β-胡萝卜素对超排卵荷斯坦小母牛(实验1)和杂交(Bos taurus x Bos indicus)小母牛的血浆浓度黄体酮的影响,这些小母牛接受了定期胚胎移植(FTET) ,实验2)。在实验1中,在发情同步和超排卵后,在发情开始后12和24小时对动物进行授精,并在7天后冲洗胚胎。将小母牛随机分配给以下三种处理之一:对照;对照; T800(800毫克β-胡萝卜素加500毫克生育酚)和T1200(1200毫克β-胡萝卜素加750毫克生育酚)。在植入耳朵的当天进行治疗,并在超排卵的第一天重复进行治疗。在D0,D5,D9,D12和D16上采集血液样本。在实验2中,对阴道内器械插入(D0)进行了治疗。使用与实验1中相同的实验设计。在D17(植入的胚胎)上收集血样,以通过放射免疫测定法测定孕酮。在实验1中,黄体形成后的平均血浆孕酮浓度(D12 + D16平均值)分别为对照组,T800和T1200,分别为13.7±1.8 ng / ml,14.5±2.3 ng / ml和10.8±2.3 ng / ml。没有差异(P = 0.44)。在实验2中,对照组(8.88±0.57 ng / ml),T800(7.48±0.64 ng / ml)和T1200(5.90±1.33 ng / ml)组的孕酮浓度相似(P = 0.11)。结果表明,补充注射的β-胡萝卜素和生育酚不会影响超排卵荷斯坦供体和杂种受体小母牛的外周孕酮浓度。



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