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Fragments of terror: memories and narratives of former insurgents in Southern Sri Lanka




How do people who have participated in extensive violence against the stateudand members of their community, understand and reflect on their experiences? Whatudmeanings do they attach to violence, and how do they go on to reformulate their livesudand deal with the consequences of their actions in its aftermath? These are among theudkey questions that this thesis considers. Anchored in a little-known violent period thatudtook place in southern Sri Lanka in the late 1980s, known locally simply as ‘theudTerror’ (Bheeshanaya), this ethnography of political violence analyses the memoriesudand narratives of those who have engaged in violence. It explores how violence isudnegotiated and lived with in the aftermath and its implications for the self andudsociality. As such, this study is concerned with how people mediate and articulateuddiscomforting memories of violence, in a post-terror context of silence and fear,udwhere justice and reconciliation are lacking. Through the accounts of people whoudhave participated in violence, this thesis provides rich insight into the consequences ofudviolence, and further highlights the flawed nature of one-dimensional ‘victim’ andud‘perpetrator’ binaries generally assumed in studies of violence, emphasising insteadudthe ambiguity that marks the experience of violence.udThis thesis is based on 14 months of fieldwork carried out primarily withudformer insurgents in southern Sri Lanka. For balance and to maximise representationudin what remains deeply contested terrain, their accounts are set against the stories ofudpeople who did not directly engage in violence, but whose lives were neverthelessudtouched by the Terror. This thesis argues that for those who have participated inudviolence, the mediation of its memory is an on-going ethical exercise. It finds thatudformer insurgents remember, give meaning to, and live with, their violent pasts inudethical terms. Remembering violence is morally tendentious and carries significantudimplications for the self and sociality in the present. Recreating life after terrorudinvolves finding an ethical framework to deal with violence, and entails ongoingudefforts to allocate moral responsibility for it. This thesis contends that as much as theudviolent past is kept alive in the present as an ethical issue, moral accountability for itudremains un-reconciled and in a constant state of flux. It shows overall the narratives of former insurgents to be contradictory and convoluted, highlighting the ambivalentudnature of memory and lived experience of violence. Moreover, it argues that for thoseudwho have participated in violence, life in the aftermath is about finding ways of livingudwith one’s violent past, rather that ‘healing’ or ‘moving on’ from it.
机译:参与了针对社区中的国家 udand成员的大规模暴力的人们如何理解并反思他们的经历?他们对暴力有什么样的理解?如何继续重塑自己的生活,并应对其后果的后果?这些都是本文所考虑的 udkey问题。在一个鲜为人知的暴力时期,锚定在1980年代后期在斯里兰卡南部发生的地方(当地简称为“ udTerror”(Bheeshanaya)),这种政治暴力人种志分析了那些参与其中的人的记忆 udand叙述在暴力中。它探讨了暴力如何在后果中被协商和生活,及其对自我和友善的影响。因此,这项研究关注的是在恐怖活动后的沉默和恐惧中,人们如何调解和表达/使人不舒服的暴力记忆,在缺乏正义与和解的地方。通过对曾经参加过暴力活动的人们的描述,本论文提供了对暴力行为后果的丰富见解,并进一步强调了在暴力研究中通常假设的一维“受害者”和“犯罪者”二进制文件的缺陷性质。 ,而是强调 ud标志着暴力经历的模棱两可。 ud本文基于对斯里兰卡南部叛乱分子进行的14个月的野外考察。为了保持平衡并最大程度地发挥作用, u u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u003e “ ”的故事是针对 udpeople的故事,他们并没有直接参与暴力,但他们的生活受到了恐怖的影响。本文认为,对于参与暴力的人们,其记忆的调解是一项持续的道德活动。它发现叛变的叛乱分子以道德的术语来记住,赋予其暴力过去并与其共处。记住暴力在道德上是有倾向性的,并且对当前的自我和社会性具有重大的重复作用。恐怖活动之后的生活重建 u u200b u200b u003b u200b u003b u003b u003b u003b u200b u003b u003b u003b u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u003b u003b u003b u200b u003b u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u003b u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u003e本论文认为,在道德问题上,只要保留过去的暴力过去,就可以维持其道德责任。它表明前叛乱分子的总体叙述是矛盾的和令人费解的,突显了记忆和暴力经历的矛盾之处。此外,它认为,对于那些参加过暴力活动的人来说,善后生活就是寻找与过去的暴力生活方式,而不是“治愈”或“继续前进”。


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  • 年度 2010
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