首页> 外文OA文献 >Deliverable D4/5: Global climatic characteristics, including vegetation and seasonal cycles over Europe, for snapshots over the next 200,000 years. Work Package 2, Simulation of the future evolution of the biosphere system using the hierarchical strategy. Modelling Sequential Biosphere Systems under Climate Change for Radioactive Waste Disposal (BIOCLIM)

Deliverable D4/5: Global climatic characteristics, including vegetation and seasonal cycles over Europe, for snapshots over the next 200,000 years. Work Package 2, Simulation of the future evolution of the biosphere system using the hierarchical strategy. Modelling Sequential Biosphere Systems under Climate Change for Radioactive Waste Disposal (BIOCLIM)

机译:交付品D4 / 5:全球气候特征,包括欧洲范围内的植被和季节性周期,用于未来20万年的快照。工作包2,使用分层策略模拟生物圈系统的未来发展。气候变化下放射性废物处置的顺序生物圈系统建模(BIOCLIM)


The aim of the BIOCLIM project is to develop andudpresent techniques that can be used to developudself-consistent patterns of possible futureudclimate changes over the next million years (climateudscenarios), and to demonstrate how these climateudscenarios can be used in assessments of the long-termudsafety of nuclear waste repository sites.udWithin the project, two strategies are implemented toudpredict climate change. The first is the hierarchicaludstrategy, in which a hierarchy of climate models is usedudto investigate the evolution of climate over the period ofudinterest. These models vary from very simple 2-D andudthreshold models, which simulate interactions betweenudonly a few aspects of the earth system, through generaludcirculation models (GCMs) and vegetation models,udwhich simulate in great detail the dynamics and physicsudof the atmosphere, ocean, and biosphere, to regionaludmodels, which focus in particular on the Europeanudregion and the specific areas of interest. The secondudstrategy is the integrated strategy, in whichudintermediate complexity climate models are developed,udand used to consecutively simulate the development ofudthe earth system over many millennia. Although theseudmodels are relatively simple compared to a GCM, theyudare more advanced than 2D models, and do includeudphysical descriptions of the biosphere, cryosphere,udatmosphere and ocean.udThis deliverable, D4/5, focuses on the hierarchicaludstrategy, and in particular the GCM and vegetationudmodel simulation of possible future climates.udDeliverable D3 documented the first step in thisudstrategy. The Louvain-la-Neuve 2-D climate modelud(LLN-2D) was used to estimate (among other variables)udannual mean temperatures and ice volume in theudNorthern Hemisphere over the next 1 million years.udIt was driven by the calculated evolution of orbitaludparameters, and plausible scenarios of CO2udconcentration. From the results, 3 future time periodsudwithin the next 200,000 years were identified as beingudextreme, that is either significantly warmer or coolerudthan the present. The next stage in the hierarchicaludstrategy was to use a GCM and biosphere model, toudsimulate in more detail these extreme time periods.
机译:BIOCLIM项目的目的是开发和展示可用于开发未来一百万年内未来气候变化的自相一致模式的技术,并证明这些气候变化如何实现 ud在该项目中,实施了两项策略来 ud预测气候变化。第一个是层次策略,其中使用了气候模型层次 ud来研究 udinterest时期的气候演变。这些模型不同于非常简单的2D模型和 u threshold模型,该模型通过通用 ucirculation模型(GCM)和植被模型 ud来模拟地球系统中仅几个方面之间的相互作用, ud可以详细模拟动力学和物理从大气,海洋和生物圈到区域模型,这些模型特别关注欧洲 udregion和感兴趣的特定区域。第二个策略是集成策略,其中开发了“中级复杂性”气候模型,并用其连续模拟了数千年以来地球系统的发展。尽管这些 udmodel与GCM相比相对简单,但它们比2D模型更为先进,并且确实包含了对生物圈,冰冻圈, udatmosphere和海洋的 udphysical描述。 ud此可交付成果D4 / 5专注于层次结构 udstrategy,尤其是GCM和植被 udmodel对未来可能的气候的模拟。 udDeliverable D3记录了此 strategy中的第一步。使用Louvain-la-Neuve二维气候模型 ud(LLN-2D)估算(以及其他变量)未来一百万年中 ud北半球的年平均温度和冰量。 ud通过计算的轨道超参数的演变,以及可能的CO2 超浓度情景。从结果来看,未来20万年内的3个未来时间段被确定为“极度”,即比当前温度高或低。层次策略的下一个阶段是使用GCM和生物圈模型,以更详细地模拟这些极端时间段。


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